Carry Out Comparative Studies, Himasiter and Himagreto IPB University Explain Gait and Achievements

Carry Out Comparative Studies, Himasiter and Himagreto IPB University Explain Gait and Achievements


The Nutrition and Animal Feed Student Association (Himasiter), Faculty of Animal Science and Agrometeorology Student Association (Himagreto), Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) IPB University carried out comparative study activities at the Auditorium Mandiri, Kampus Dramaga. The activity began with the presentation and introduction of each set and then continued with Focus Group Discussion (FGD).

Dodi Wahyudi as Head of Himasiter explained the work and achievements of the student organization (ormawa) which was established on September 28, 1997. Himasiter has achieved various achievements and produced successful alumni who are able to work in various well-known companies in Indonesia in the field of animal husbandry. 

"In 2022, Himasiter passed the funding from the national Ormawa Capacity Building Program (PPKO). In the previous year, we were crowned as Ormawa Sehat and became one of the champions of Abdidaya Ormawa," he said. 

This year, said Dodi, Himasiter designed five work programs to provide benefits and as a place to improve the soft skills of the management. The five programs are Himasiter Sharing and Training Center, Himasiter Mengabdi, Actualization of Prestative and Innovative Students, Exploration of Animal Husbandry and Application of Professional Applications.

"Himasiter's main target this year is to be able to regain the title of Healthy Ormawa and the champion of Abdidaya Ormawa 2023, considering that Himasiter has now passed the selection stage and is one of the IPB University delegates in the 2023 PPKO activity," he said.

In this activity, the Head of Himagreto, Oktarian Lisdi Prasetya also told the work and journey of the association which houses students of the Department of Geophysics and Meteorology (GFM), Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences IPB University.

"Himagreto is quite an old person at IPB University. Since its establishment in 1970, Himagreto has also gained many achievements through the work programs it initiated," Oktarian said. 

He continued, in 2023 Himagreto has several excellent work programs such as Meteorology Training, Indonesian Climate Student Forum, Environmental Love Movement and Meteorological Observation Studies. 

"Himagreto focuses a lot on activities that are directly related to the environment. Therefore, some Himagreto activities are packaged very interestingly such as exchanging waste with takjil during the fasting month and managing agricultural waste into briquettes. We also plan to process these agricultural by-products in Pangalengan Village, Bandung," he said. 

Alifah Zahra as the head of the activity committee added, by holding this comparative study, it is expected to build a relationship between Himasiter and Himagreto in increasing livestock productivity and preserving the environment.

"Thank you to Himagreto for welcoming this activity. Hopefully in the future we can carry out similar activities for discussion and broaden horizons towards a better association and can provide benefits for many people," he added. (Dw/Rz) (IAAS/ANF)