As Part of Kartini Festival, Agrianita IPB University Discusses DWP’s Role in Preventing the Three Big Sins of Education in the Higher Education Environment

As Part of Kartini Festival, Agrianita IPB University Discusses DWP’s Role in Preventing the Three Big Sins of Education in the Higher Education Environment


Dharma Wanita Persatuan (DWP) IPB University or commonly known as Agrianita IPB University held a talk show activity packaged under the name DWP Insight with the theme "Strengthening the Role of DWP in Preventing the Three Great Sins of Education in the Higher Education Environment", (11/5). The DWP Insight program is a collaboration program with the Forum Silaturahmi DWP State Universities (PTN) throughout Indonesia (FORSIDANITA) and DWP Higher Education Research and Technology (Diktiristek), Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemdikbudristek).  FORSIDANITA is a forum that is a forum for friendship and communication between DWP PTN throughout Indonesia under the coordination of DWP Diktiristek. 

The Head of DWP Diktiristek, Saraswati Nizam, hopes that this talk show is not only aimed at opening up insights for mothers and families at home, but also as an effort to actively support the implementation of the Minister of Education and Research Regulation Number 30 of 2021 concerning Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence (PPKS) in the Higher Education Environment which has only been running for one year.

"The purpose of this talk show is to find out the root of the problem and the causes of sexual harassment violence, how urgent the problem is in the university environment," she said. 

In addition, Saraswati added that the event also aimed to add insight and knowledge about women's bullying, especially in higher education, as well as to understand and approach that as a mother, one must be more proactive in providing guidance to children, then listen to what they complain about without judging or blaming first. 

On the same occasion, the General Secretary of the Association of Indonesian Women's Gender and Child Study Centers (ASWGI), Dr Arianti Ina R Hunga explained the Sharing Heart program: Towards Free Campus Learning Freedom from All Forms of Violence. 

"Implementing Merdeka Learning Campus with an atmosphere free from all forms of gender-based violence, including matters of sexual violence with intolerance, this is an effort that we really appreciate from DWP," she said.

In addition, she mentioned the data on Gender-Based Violence (GBV) against women based on data from the National Commission (Komnas) of Women, the GBV rate service institution continues to increase from year to year. "Data on GBV from March 1 to April 16, 2023 alone there are 7,203 victims, this number is lower than the actual number of victims who do not dare to report," she said.

The Head of Agrianita IPB University, Retna Widayawati said the theme of DWP IPB University's work was Jumping Higher, by taking the sub-theme in 2023 to play an active role in the prevention and handling of the three major sins of education in the university environment.  "What is meant by jumping higher? Broadly speaking, it means an effort to expand and enlarge the benefits of the organization," she said.

The active role of Agrianita IPB University in preventing the three sins is described in the strategies and work programs that have been carried out in the form of collaboration, socialization, engagement, environmental arrangement and sustainability.

"Agrianitas IPB University's collaboration partners consist of internal partners, namely, PPKS Task Force IPB University, IPB University Center for Women / Gender Studies, IPB University Counselors and IPB University Human Resource Development Center (P2SDM). Meanwhile, external partners include PUSPEKA (Character Strengthening Center) and ASWGI," she explained.

He said, the socialization activities that had been carried out included Training of Trainers (ToT) Three Sins, discussion of the initiation of material preparation involving internal and external partners, optimization of internal media, integration of internal media and integration with existing programs.  "Healthy Saturday, Dormitory Foster Mother, Lapak Curhat, Agrianita Social Action are engagement programs that have been running for a long time until now," she said.

At the end of the event, the Subcoordinator of the Prevention of Sexual Violence Center of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek), Shara Zakia Nissa also added the key concept in handling sexual violence. (Ns) (IASS/RUM)