Through Micro Business Games, PSP3 IPB University Encourages Students to Become Trainers in the Implementation of MSME Management

Through Micro Business Games, PSP3 IPB University Encourages Students to Become Trainers in the Implementation of MSME Management


Center for Agricultural and Rural Development Studies (PSP3) IPB University together with Deutsche Sparkassenstiftung fur Internationale Cooperation (DSIK) and Alumni Solidarity of the Indonesian People's Animal Husbandry School (SASPRI) held business management training with the concept of Micro Business Games.

Head of PSP3 IPB University, Prof Muladno said, this training aims to provide provisions for participants consisting of students from various faculties to master theory as well as practical skills through the concept of Micro Business Games.

According to him, this activity was motivated by the increasing number of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (UMKM) which reached 99 percent of all business units in Indonesia. Meanwhile, their business management capabilities are still limited. For this, assistance is needed by experts in their fields.

"PSP3 IPB University, which has the main goal of developing agricultural socio-economic science, is collaborating with DSIK as a non-governmental organization (NGO), one of which focuses on developing business management," he said.

Micro Business Games itself is an interactive educational method to provide experience on how to develop micro or small scale businesses effectively by taking into account the principles of good business management. The concept of Micro Business Games can later be applied by IPB University students to the community directly including MSME breeders and farmers.

"Participants carry out a simulation of running micro, small and medium enterprises through Micro Business Games. As business actors, they must determine the supporting factors before starting a business such as location, consumers, products to be sold and so on," he said.

In addition, continued Prof Muladno, students are simulated to solve problems and obstacles as if they were starting a business. This is done so that they are able to identify various alternatives in decision making.

"By carrying out this collaboration, it is hoped that IPB University can adopt business management training that is more specific to certain fields such as animal husbandry and agriculture," he added.

Prof Muladno said that livestock business management expertise was needed to support the running of the People's Animal Husbandry School (SPR) program he initiated.

“The nearest city where cooperation is possible is Kediri. The reason is, as of November 2022, three SPRs have been formed as a result of the collaboration with the Kediri Islamic University (Uniska) to start a business unit," he concluded. (*/Rz) (IAAS/BKU)