Prof M Syukur Promotes Plant Breeding Methods and Schemes

Prof M Syukur Promotes Plant Breeding Methods and Schemes


Prof M Syukur, Professor at IPB University from the Faculty of Agriculture said that Indonesia has a plant genetic diversity that holds great potential in advancing the agricultural sector. For this reason, plant breeders need to be educated regarding plant breeding schemes that have been determined by law. Moreover, the outcome is very important as a proposed crop variety protection.

He explained this method and plant breeding scheme in the Socialization of the Center for Plant Variety Protection and Agricultural Licensing, Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia with the topic 'Registration of Breeding Varieties', recently.

“Annual plant breeding generally takes five to ten years. This plant breeding starts with a collection of plants which are then selected based on their uniqueness and superiority," he said.

Then, said Prof Syukur, continued with the expansion of genetic plants through hybridization, mutation, and genetic engineering. "From here, they are re-selected and evaluated based on the results of observations for registration, protection and release of plant varieties," he continued.

"This selection method really depends on the type of variety targeted, both local type varieties, hybrids, pure lines, free pollination, and clones," he continued.

According to him, plant breeders do not need further information about preliminary and advanced yields. This information is only needed for variety release. "In a breeding scheme, there is some information that needs to be included and breeders must standardize this format," explained Prof Syukur.

He explained the information that needs to be included is three columns containing the year and season of each activity, generation, cross parents, mutations or basic population, plus information in the form of breeding location, selection process, selection characteristics and other information.

In this socialization, Prof Syukur gave an example of writing formats in breeding schemes with various selection methods for varieties that have been developed by IPB University. Breeders must adjust breeding information based on their selection method. Starting from the initial breed until the pure strain was obtained, the information had to be written down.

"After obtaining pure lines, breeders do not need to provide further information because it has been recorded when releasing the varieties," he concluded. (MW/Rz) (IAAS/BKU)