IPB University’s Al Hurriyyah Mosque Received the Nabawi Award 2023

IPB University’s Al Hurriyyah Mosque Received the Nabawi Award 2023


IPB University's Al Hurriyyah Mosque is one of ten mosques that received the Nabawi Award 2023 from the Association of Indonesian Muslim Intellectuals (ICMI). The award was given in the Commemoration of Nuzulul Quran 1444 H, (8/4) which was held at the Istiqlal Mosque in collaboration between ICMI, the Management of the Jakarta Istiqlal Mosque, and Republika Daily. The award was received directly by Prof Abdul Munif General Chairperson of DKM Al Hurriyyah IPB University.

Other mosques that received the award were: (1) Andalusia Sentul Mosque, (2) the University of Indonesia Ukhuwah Islamiyah Mosque, (3) Baiturrahman Mosque West Sumatra (4) Al Markaz Al Islami Makassar Mosque, (5) Nurul Muttahida IMMIM Mosque, ( 6) Subulussalam Al Khoiri Mosque, Muhammadiyah University Makassar, (7) Manarul Ilmi Mosque, Surabaya Institute of Technology, (8) Gadjah Mada University Campus Mosque, and (9) Istiqamah Mosque, Jakarta.

"Congratulations to all award recipients who have consistently made the mosque a center of change, a center of inspiration and transformation. ICMI will continue to work with various elements of the nation to continue to spread inspiration and create hope in the complexities of change faced by the people," said Prof Arif.

Regarding the Nabawi Award, he also stated that the award was given to mosques that not only function as places of worship. However, it also carries out the function of change, builds literacy, conducts a study of the Kauniyah verses, develops the economic power of the ummah, and improves the quality of Indonesia's human resources.

Prof KH Nasaruddin Umar, Grand Imam of the Istiqlal Mosque in Jakarta, on that occasion said that blessing is energy and congregation is synergy. So, where there is synergy there will be energy. According to him, it is this spirit that has made the Istiqlal Mosque develop rapidly and gain world recognition.

"Hopefully in the future, with ICMI's touch, it will make the Istiqlal Mosque even bigger and bigger. Insya Allah, we will realize the people of baldatun thayyibatun wa rabbun ghafur as our nation aspires to," he said. (dh/Rz) (IAAS/TNY)