BP Biswaf IPB University Distributes 40 Million Rupiah Donation of Snacks from Ikapada for the Community around Campus

BP Biswaf IPB University Distributes 40 Million Rupiah Donation of Snacks from Ikapada for the Community around Campus


The Padangsidimpuan Student Alumni Family Association (Ikapada) gave a donation of 40 million rupiah in the form of snacks through the Business, Investment and Waqf Management Agency (BP Biswaf) of IPB University to be distributed to the community around the campus and IPB University residents. The distribution of this donation is prioritized for students and orphans around the campus of IPB Dramaga.

Dr Ongku Parmonangan Hasibuan as Chairman of Ikapada conveyed, almost every month his party held ‘Friday Blessing’ activities as a form of sharing with others. Assistance or donations are given not only in the form of goods but also cash.

“The recipients can be individuals or institutions such as religious foundations, education and orphanages. In the last three years, Ikapada has distributed donations to North Sumatra and Jabodetabek,” he said.

Dr Alla Asmara, Vice Head of BP Biswaf IPB University for Investment and Waqf Management, thanked Ikapada. He said, this donation will soon be distributed directly.

The delivery of this donation will be carried out together with the Directorate of Student Affairs, Agrianita and DKM Al Hurriyah IPB University. These snacks can be consumed as an addition to the iftar menu of students, employees and orphans in the campus circle,” he said during the donation handover ceremony at IPB Dramaga Campus.

Also present during the donation handover were Assistant of Waqf Management of BP Biswaf IPB University, drh Rahmat Hidayat, MSi, MH who is also Vice Chairman III of Ikapada and Wina Purwaningrum, SP, MSi as Supervisor of Administrative and General Services of BP Biswaf IPB University. (*/Rz) (IAAS/RUM)