SKHB IPB University and Zoetis Indonesia Hold Zoetis-SKHB Academy Ambassador Activities

SKHB IPB University and Zoetis Indonesia Hold Zoetis-SKHB Academy Ambassador Activities


The School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Science (SKHB) IPB University held Zoetis-SKHB Academy activities with the theme "NextGen Vetz Building a Generation of Qualified Veterinary Candidates", 18/3. The activity that was led by Dr drh Anisa Rahma was attended by 15 Zoetis-SKHB academy ambassadors. This activity is a collaboration between SKHB IPB University and PT Zoetis Animalhealth Indonesia.

The last seminar of the Zoetis-SKHB academy was opened to 50 general participants. The activity was opened by the Vice Rector for Education and Student Affairs of IPB University, Prof Deni Noviana, The Acting Dean of SKHB Prof Ni Wayan Kurniani Karja, The Vice Dean for Resources, Collaboration and Development, Dr Drh Andriyanto, MSi and General Manager of PT Zoetis AnimalHealth Indonesia Drh Ulrich Erik Ginting.

The first session of the seminar presented three speakers, namely Drh Laurensius Yuvianto with the material "The Right Time to Do Blood Testing", Drh Tiara Putri Sajuthi with the material "Interpretation of Blood Results in Relation to Clinical Symptoms and Treatment" and Suryani Adawiyah with the material "Value of Zoetis Vetcan Device".

"Confirmation of diagnosis is very important. One of them is by conducting routine blood picture examinations. Best practice in blood sample collection is very important before examination with the device," said Drh Laurensius.

According to Drh Tiara, interpretation of blood test results is very important so that a veterinarian can provide the right diagnosis and treatment.

"For example, anemia is the most common clinical symptom in animals (dogs and cats), so blood tests are very important to do before action or treatment," explained Drh Tiara.

Meanwhile, Suryani explained about VetScan, a tool to support blood test diagnosis. This tool can be operated easily, quickly, and the results are accurate.

The second session speakers were Drh Rezi Zahra A with the material "Before care of Vaccine" and Drh Darwela Nuraisyah with the material "After Care of Vaccine". Both speakers emphasized the importance of handling vaccine products, starting from production, storage, distribution, to post-vaccination evaluation.

"Ensuring the temperature during storage and distribution from the factory to consumers will ensure the effectiveness of the vaccine is maintained," Rezi explained in the first session.

She added that the use of a recording device to monitor the temperature during vaccine storage and delivery is one way to assess whether the distributed vaccine is suitable for distribution or not.

"After vaccination, the veterinarian should record the batch number of the vaccine used. If there are complaints or unexpected reactions from a vaccine, it will be easy to trace, take treatment actions, and evaluate the effectiveness and safety level of the vaccine in circulation," said Darwela.

At the end of the event, the top three Zoetis-SKHB Akademy Student Ambassadors were announced. The students were then given cash prizes and internship opportunities. The first winner was Anis Ridha Nadzifah, second winner Raihanidya Salma and third winner Chandra Kusuma Dewi. The prizes were given directly by the General Manager of Zoetis Indonesia and the Vice Rector for Education and Student Affairs of IPB University. (AP/km/Zul) (IAAS/RUM)