Preparing the Most Important Skills for Medical Students, Faculty of Medicine IPB University Holds Skills Lab Workshop

The Faculty of Medicine (FK) of IPB University together with the Faculty of Medicine of Padjadjaran University (Unpad) conducted a Skills Lab Workshop. The event was held at AM Satari Building (11/03) and was attended by 27 participants, consisting of permanent lecturers of FK, lecturers from various faculties/schools as well as a number of clinicians from the Regional General Hospital (RSUD) of Bogor City and Cibinong Hospital.
Prof Tri Hanggono Achmad from FK Unpad explained the topic of Skills Lab as a whole, starting from the types of skills needed by medical students to changes in the way skills lab learning from time to time. He also explained various types of assessment for skills lab activities.
"The most important ability to be possessed by medical students today is clinical decision skills. This ability must be trained, one of which is through this skills lab activity," he said.
On this occasion, the participants were divided into small groups, namely module preparation, clinical skills training and objective structured clinical examination (OSCE)/assessment groups. Each of them studied competencies according to their group with various simulations.
The first group received exposure and tutorials related to the preparation of skills lab modules, including general objectives, specific objectives, activity sequences, activity methods, infrastructure facilities and procedures and references.
The second group received exposure to clinical skills training and conducted simulations as students and trainers. While the third group discussed the assessment system for clinical skills activities.
After the activities per small group were completed, the participants were gathered again and a simulation was held from each group regarding what had been obtained previously.
The temporary person in charge (Pjs) of the Dean of FK IPB University, Prof Srihadi Agungpriyono said that this activity was expected to provide insights related to the development of skills lab for medical students, as well as improve the ability of FK lecturers to become trainers in skills lab activities.
"In addition, lecturers are expected to create a conducive and comfortable atmosphere in skills lab activities and can sharpen students' clinical decision skills. Thus, medical students in the future will become learners who have good clinical skills and clinical decision-making abilities," he hoped. (*/Rz) (IAAS/RUM)