IPB University Presents the Results of an Environmental Study of the Construction of the Halal Center Building

IPB University Presents the Results of an Environmental Study of the Construction of the Halal Center Building


IPB University presented the results of an environmental study around the planned construction of the Halal Center Building which is located in the Science Techno Park (STP) Taman Kencana Bogor. This presentation aims to provide an overview of what environmental aspects must be considered when the construction and operation of the Halal Center building takes place.

“The environmental management referred to not only relates to the physical, chemical, and biological aspects, but also includes social, economic, cultural, and public health and environmental health aspects," said Prof Hefni Effendi, Head of the Environmental Management Study Team when delivering a presentation at the Office of the Environmental Management Agency (DLH) Bogor City, recently.

Prof Hefni said that the results of this study were important in order to obtain environmental approval which is a requirement for the development and operation of the Halal Center Building. According to him, the construction of the Halal Center Building is needed to support IPB University's aspirations to become a Halal Campus and the establishment of a Halal Inspection Institution (LPH).

"In the future this will become the largest halal product inspection center in Indonesia and Southeast Asia," said Prof Hefni who is also Head of the Department of Aquatic Resources Management (MSP), Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences (FPIK) IPB University.

He explained, IPB University already has a Center for Halal Science Studies or Halal Science Center (HSC) and currently the process of arranging the establishment of the LPH is being carried out. The existence of HSC IPB University is also supported by halal-certified human resources (SDM) as halal assessors and regularly organizes training related to halal licensing.

"The function of STP IPB University will be even stronger and more beneficial for industry/small and medium enterprises (UKM) if halal test facilities and permits are available. The existence of the Halal Center Building and its supporting facilities will help industry/UKM, especially regarding the acceleration of halal testing and permits," he said.

Provision of facilities including the construction of buildings, laboratory equipment, furniture, mechanical and electrical and office equipment will be built in 2023. Sources of funding are obtained through the Promoting Research and Innovation through Modern and Efficient Science and Techno Park (PRIME STeP) program from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemdikbudristek).

Vice Head of the Science and Technology Regional Institute (LKST) IPB University ofthe Center for Innovation Development and Technological Transfer Division, Dr Tri Prartono said, IPB University's LKST was tasked with downstreaming innovation (technology transfer) and business incubation. The development of IPB University's innovative products to the commercial stage requires the support of various permits. One of the most important is support in the management of halal permits.

"The existence of these facilities is very important to support the vision and mission of STP IPB University which focuses on tropical agricultural, food, biosciences and marine products. Distribution of food products (food and beverages), cosmetics and medicines must be able to guarantee their quality, safety and halalness," he added.

Currently, in the STP IPB University area, there are several buildings that have been established, including PT Bogor Life Science and Technology (BLST) as the IPB University holding company, PT Prima Prestasi IPB (training consultant), IPB Press (printing) and Serambi Botani (IPB product management office).

In addition, there is also Botany Seed (seed management office), Veterinary Clinic (animal health service activities), Tropical Biopharmaca Study Center Office, Guest House, Collaborative Research Center (CRC) Building, Teaching Industry Building (innovation development pilot plant) and Building Multiple Tenants. All of these facilities are under the management of IPB University. (HEF/Rz) (IAAS/DSR)