Indonesia Emergency of Bullying, Sexual Violence, and Intolerance, P2SDM IPB University Invites All Parties to Discuss Solutions and Strategies

Indonesia is now in a state of emergency for violence against children. This was conveyed by Dr Yulina Eva Riani, IPB University Lecturer from the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences (IKK) Faculty of Human Ecology (Fema) in the National Seminar and Workshop 'Solutions and Strategies to Overcome the Three Sins Issue in Education (Bullying, Sexual Violence, and Intolerance) through a Synergy Approach of Higher Education, Government, Society, Business World, and Media', 20/3.
"As many as 88 percent of the total cases of violence in the educational environment reported to the National Commission for Women (Komnas) are cases of sexual violence. Meanwhile, data from 2020 show that 12 to 17 children have been victims of bullying," she said.
The impact of bullying is no joke, both short-term and long-term. According to her, victims of bullying tend to bully others as well.
Vice Rector for Education and Student Affairs, Prof Deni Noviana said, IPB University has formed a task force for the prevention and handling of sexual violence (PPKS). This is a manifestation of IPB University's firm commitment to implementing PPKS.
"The IPB University PPKS Task Force team consists of nine people consisting of representatives of lecturers, education staff, and students. Furthermore, in the rules of campus life, IPB University has established severe consequences for perpetrators of bullying, sexual violence, and intolerance on campus," he said.
Not only that, Retna Widayawati Arif Satria, Head of Agrianita IPB University, also conveyed her commitment and role as a mother for students. She and the mothers of Agrianita members are always educating all parties about bullying, sexual violence, and intolerance.
"Education is provided from early childhood to the elderly, including students. We have also scheduled this issue, especially bullying, as the focus of every Agrianita program in 2023," she said.
Dr Amiruddin Saleh, Head of Research Center for Human Resources Development (P2SDM) IPB University, considers the need for synergy between parties in handling cases of violence that occur. "P2SDM IPB University has a vision as a center for professional human resource development by prioritizing ethics and morals that apply in society. Therefore, all parties need to immediately synergize to take a real action that can break the chain," he said.
On that occasion, Shara Zakia Nissa, SPSi from the Center for Character Strengthening, Regulation of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemdikbudristek), was also present. She said, responding to the rampant cases that occurred, the Ministry of Education and Culture and Technology issued Permendikbudristek Number 30 of 2021 concerning the Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence (PPKS) in Higher Education.
"This rule is made to become a legal basis for universities in preventing and handling cases of sexual violence in their campus environments," she said.
This event also presented speakers from the media, namely Uni Lubis (IDN Times) and Anggin Nuzula RS Sos (Deputy for the Fulfillment of Children's Rights, Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection). (dh/Rz) (IAAS/MZS)