Agrianita of SKHB IPB University Ready to Take On Duties as a Foster Mother

Agrianita of SKHB IPB University Ready to Take On Duties as a Foster Mother


Agrianita of School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Science (SKHB) IPB University held an event "Healthy Saturday for IPB General Competency Education Dormitory Students" in the IPB University Dormitory Hall, (4/3). This Healthy Saturday activity is an activity that is held regularly by the Agrianita Family Welfare Service Center (PPKS).

The event was attended by Elly L Oemar (Daily Executor Chair of Agrianita IPB University), Prof Dr. Toni Bakhtiar, S.Si., M.Sc. (Director of General Competency Education Program/PPKU IPB University), drh Henny Endah Anggraeni, MSc (Chairman of Agrianita SKHB IPB University), Norma Berry (Head of Agrianita FMIPA IPB University) and members of Agrianita SKHB IPB University. The event's agenda were activities Free Health Check Stalls, Counsellors Stalls, Nutrition Improvement Stalls, Preloved Goods Stalls, and Education Stalls. 

"The event was attended by students enthusiastically. This activity aimed to increase the body's immunity and keep students' bodies and minds healthy," said drh Henny Endah Anggraeni, MSc as Head of Agrianita SKHB. She sajd, health starts from daily habits or daily routine. And these habits are also supported by mental and inner health. 

“Therefore, we also prepare counsellors who are ready to help students. Physical health must also be supported by healthy mental health. If the mental health is healthy, so of course the body is also healthy," said drh. Heny. To add to the intimacy, the students are provided with healthy food. With today's series of events, it is hoped that it can foster a sense of affection and solidarity for and care for the Foster Mothers of Agrianita SKHB IPB University. (AP/Zul) (IAAS/BLA)