IPB University Student Achieves International Awards and Cargill Scholarship

IPB University Student Achieves International Awards and Cargill Scholarship


Cargill Global Scholar Program is an international scholarship program only open to 10 students across all of Indonesia. These lucky 10 students are from 9 different higher education institutions. The Cargill Scholarship is aimed to create a global network of future leaders contributing to thr advancemenrs in business, agricultire and food security. One of the Cargill scholarship grantees is Tegar Nur Hidayat, a student in the Departmen of Mechanical anr Biosystem Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture Technology  IPB University.

He claims that the Cargill scholarship program is unique. This is becaue aside from monetary aid, but they also present opportunities to grantees to further develop their leadership skills through seminars, profession networking and guidance activities from Cargill leaders during the grant period."Scholarship grantees are educated and prepared to have globally relevant talents in order to compete with other developed countries. What i've felt as a Cargill scholarship grantee is the welcomeness and the family feeling. This feeling was really proven after participating in the In Country seminar for 6 days in the first year of being a grantee. At the time, everyone in cargill was like family with strong bonds created and everyone's warmness. Aside from that scholarship grantees are expected to uphold traditional values according to pancasila, competitive and oriented on becoming a leader with integrity and professionality." Tegar expresses, part of the team in the founding of ERBRON-C, a tool to collect fallen palm oil tree kernels.

Last year, Tegar successfully achieved an international award in Superior Academic Achievrmemt and Leadership from Cargill scholarships.  Tegar confesses there are so much wisdom he acquired while being a Cargill scholarship grantee. One of these lessons he learned was to develop an authenthic leadership style.  "Being a leader needs authenticity, everyone has a differrent background, characteristics and personality from one another. Be an authentic leader while also upholding integrity," Tegar adds. Also to note, he also learned a lot on teamworking. To him learning about teamwork is important, especially skills in influencing others is one of the main characters of being a leader. The third lesson is the importance of being a good listener as a leader. "This ability will determine our position in society and our networks in the proffessional world. This is especially true in lighting the spirit of science and technology development on specific issues and the development of agriculture in Indonesia." He closes. (IAAS/RCD)