PKHT IPB University Presented Common Fruit Harvest

PKHT IPB University Presented Common Fruit Harvest


The Tropical Horticulture Study Center (PKHT) from Research Institution and Community Service (LPPM) IPB University had undertaken Common Fruit Harvest program (20/12) in Kebun Penelitian Seameo Biotrop, Tajur Bogor. The program was attended by Dr. Ir. Jumain Appe, MSi as Director General of Innovation Strengthening Ministry of Research and Technology / National Research and Innovation Agency (Kemenristek/BRIN).


Dr. Awang Maharijaya, SP, MSi as head of PKHT stated Biotrop was trial garden, in which researches had been done. Biotrop had become useful garden which was used as an educational place, not only for civitas, but for general community as well.


“Alhamdulillah, this garden still exists by now. The early philosophy for its existence is as a trial garden. The main outputs are research and publication. A lot has been received from this garden. Other than that, less than 200 students have done internship in this garden to study and fieldtrip every year,” Dr. Awang said.


Meanwhile, in front of Dr. Jumain and staff of Kemenristek/BRIN, Deputy Chancellor for Innovation, Business, and Entrepreneurship, Prof. Dr. Erika Budiarti Laconi, said this garden was a treasure for IPB University. This garden was a result from works of researchers, inventors, and innovators of IPB University.


“PKHT IPB University keeps getting better day by day. PKHT has the focus on fruits as we want to increase people’s awareness about local business. Big gratitude to Kemenristek for taking part to help IPB University. We hope the Minister could spend time in this garden again,” shared Prof. Erika.


Prof. Erika had explain further that IPB University has focuses not only to develop plant seeds, but from downstream to upstream of the whole agriculture. This meant during developing sciences, it was hoped to release scientific articles and become useful to the locals. The put the example on how SEAFEST IPB University had given its bread formula by lessen the use of wheat flour.


During this opportunity, Dr. Jumain hoped IPB University as the spearhead to encourage researches and innovations in the future, especially in agricultural field, foods, and herbal health. He also reminded the message from the Minister to encourage the import substitution.


“This is what the Minister has always delivered and committed on that we want Indonesia’s agriculture to get better. Researches and innovations have seen to give huge impact sustainably. Thus, applying industrial technology 4.0 is crucial. I believe IPB University can start this,” emphasized Dr. Jumain.


Aside from harvesting fruits together, PKHK also gave appreciations to the employees for their loyal dedication. PKHK gave educational scholarships for master degree and umrah prize to the employee who gave the best dedication and devotion. Dr. Awang said employees are the primary keys for the garden management, hence they should be rewarded. (IAAS/AKD)


Keyword: Common Fruit Harvest, PKHT, LPPM IPB University