Let’s Explore the Potential of the Sea with Himiteka FPIK IPB University

Student Association of Marine Science and Technology (Himiteka), Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences (FPIK), IPB University is a professional association for students of the Department of Marine Science and Technology (ITK) of FPIK IPB University. The focus of Himiteka is to introduce the Indonesian marine world to the outside world.
Exploration of various resources available at sea becomes an expertise possessed by ITK students in general. This was acknowledged by the Chairperson of Himiteka FPIK IPB University, Rishki Anggara that being an administrator of Himiteka has its own advantages.
“Broadly speaking, the benefits are in soft skills such as teamwork, problem solving, and can establish partnerships and connections to many agencies. More specifically, the benefits obtained are more able to develop themselves from professionalism, both interests and talents so that after graduation, they will have skills both soft skills and others, “he explained.
The activities carried out by Himiteka are closely related to the exploration of marine resources. Himiteka once held a “Konsurv” event aimed at rehabilitating mangrove ecosystems. In addition, there are also national expeditions and seminars which are often known as the “Indonesia Marine Summit” (IMS) which discusses the important issues of maritime now also held to educate the general public and students.
“At present, there are still many people who do not know about marine issues, sea functions, and the impact of human activities on the sea. It is hoped that after attending the event students are more concerned about the environment, especially the sea, “said Rishki.
Various professional training is carried out in accordance with the laboratories in ITK, namely oceanography, remote sensing, hydrobiology, and acoustics and marine instrumentation. The training is useful for ITK students to improve their abilities in accordance with their profession.
“Many of Himiteka’s conservation or community service activities are carried out in the field. It means to work while traveling to enjoy a new place. For example “Konsurv”, with the aim of mangrove rehabilitation, we can explore new places by socializing also with the local community, “concluded Rishki. (Dinul / Zul)
Keywords: FPIK, himiteka, IPB University, ITK, marine, students, profession