IPB University’s Student Invented a 4.0 Eco-friendly House

IPB University’s Student Invented a 4.0 Eco-friendly House


IPB University, again, had marked an incredible achievement as grand champion in Indonesia’s Diploma Olympiad (OLIVIA) IV which had been held by Diponegoro University a few days prior. One of the inventions created by IPB University’s students was a 4.0 eco-friendly house model. The invention was created by three students majoring Environmental Engineering and Management, Diploma School IPB University, named Iqbal Maulana, Joko Trymeilana, and Muhammad Thoriq Firdaus.


The revolutionary industry era 4.0 house with eco-friendly concept was a building designed to manage energy independently. This house model also utilized plastics as replacement of bricks for building construction, and household waste management.

“The innovation we brought to OLIVIA was a revolutionary industry era 4.0 house model with independent waste management. The energy we used for this invention was solar energy, which could be obtained using solar cell. Moreover, this is an eco-friendly invention for its independent waste management and plastic utilization as bricks replacement for the building construction.” Iqbal Maulana explained.


This house modal was initiated for its high nonrenewable energy consumptions in its prior building system and construction that destructive to the habitats and environments, as well as detrimental to human lives.


“The purpose for this invention is based on its construction system that consumed high nonrenewable energies. Thus, it affects the habitats. However, people keep creating innovations to cease the disruption by developing many new innovations. Most of them has been undertaken for its goal to maintain the environment,” Iqbal emphasized.


The eco-friendly concept for this 4.0 house model was utilization of household wastes as fertilizer for the vertical garden and plastics as the replacement of bricks.


“From the environmental aspect, household wastes will be utilized as fertilizer for the houses’ vertical gardens. Vertical garden is applied as one of the solutions for deforestation in narrow areas. Hence, it can reduce the global warming. The application of plastic as the replacement of bricks is done to manage plastic wastes, that need long period of time to be decomposed. Plastic wastes also have the highest pollutant level to the environment,” Iqbal elaborated.


As all the advantages mentioned prior, this house model was expected to be the future house model for its minimal use of nonrenewable energy and area. This house model was also predicted to reduce the number of wastes, therefore healthy and clean environment would emerge soon. (IAAS/AKD)


Keyword: IPB University’s students, 4.0 building, eco-friendly, plastic