Dosen Mengabdi from IPB University, Family Education in Cibatok Village to Prevent Stunting

Lembaga Penelitian and Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LPPM) IPB University had carried out program Dosen Mengabdi, which was done by lecturers as devotion to society to empower, disseminate knowledge and technologies for national prosperity. The program was executed in Kampung Cibeureum, Cibatok Village, Bogor (18-28/11) bringing up theme Sharing Knowledge and Educating Families to Prevent Stunting.
The three lecturers who had undertaken stunting prevention counseling from Family and Consumer Sciences Department (IKK) Faculty of Human Ecology (FEMA) are Dr. Yulina Eva Riany, Dr. Melly Latifah, and Dr. Dwi Hastuti.
During her sharing, Dr. Yulina Eva Riany hoped by carrying out this program, society are assured regarding their roles to shape outstanding generation. Children’s education wasn’t schools’ responsibility only, but it was responsibility of family, school, and society combined. Thus, family education was highly essential to bring children up.
The program was initiated by LPPM, which was very important as its role to bridge and spread the knowledge to society. The Dosen Mengabdi program was aimed to strengthen the roles and functions of family to educate children at home, as well as preparing outstanding generation in the future.” she emphasized.
Meanwhile, Dr. Melly Latifah shared knowledge about the importance of building intimacy between babies and mothers to shape tough generation. “The importance of building intimacy between babies and mothers must be done in 1000 days of the birth of the baby. The reasons were comforts, high vitality, immunity from disease, ability to explore for the kids. The kids were trained to be able to handle their frustrations and stress from young ages, hence they would be able to fight the challenges and obstacles from negative emotions,” she explained.
Dr. Dwi Hastuti had also taken part by explaining about health parenting for kids under two years old. There were some methods, which are practices for kids to move, regular shower, sunbath, use shoes/sandals when they were out, and wear clean clothes. Shaping good lifestyle to kids at early ages was crucial to gain clean and healthy generation.
She emphasized that parenting about health and dietary had two side effects that complement each other. The primer key to apply parenting about health and dietary was the mothers must give their full affection to bring their children up.
“Thank you to LPPM IPB University for giving the opportunities to us to share knowledge to the villagers. The idea of Dosen Mengabdi was brilliant as it gave the chance and ease the lecturers to spread information to those whose knowledge and skills needed to be developed,” she said.
The program was participated by 212 people from head of Penyuluhan Lapangan Keluarga Berencana (PLKB), head of Posyandu, and mothers who had two years old kids as main targets. (Dwi/Awl/Zul) (IAAS/AKD)
Keywords: Dosen Mengabdi IPB University, Stunting Prevention, Health Parenting, Desa Cibatok 2