Three IPB University Students Win National Social Politic Debate

Three IPB University Students Win National Social Politic Debate


IPB University student team won national social politic debate at Jakarta State University (UNJ). They were Ramadhani Dwi Handrian, Yusuf Ali Nurdin, and Sandi Fantea that competed with eight universities all over Indonesia on the final.

The topics were Draft Law on Corruption Eradication Commission (RUU KPK), Draft Law on the Elimination of Sexual Violence (PKS), the Criminal Code (KUHP) of agrarian issues and pros and cons of the president's policies in the new cabinet. Dhani said on the preliminary round, they were given 14 motions that drawn meanwhile in semi-final and final round the motion given on the spot.

The team got three motions on the preliminary. “The first motion we got was motion about the replacement of companions / vices in certain positions must be determined by the highest level of government. We were on the contra, we believe that every region has their own autonomy so that the replacement of vice leader of region is not exactly chosen by the state government,” explained Dhani.

The other example, they got motion about the quality of the teachers only indicated from their formal education. Again, they were the contra team. They argued that so many experts such as practitioners that did not get into formal education but has the capacity if they have to teach a lesson, for example acting teachers, art and sport teachers. Furthermore the shortcomings of the teachers in the 3T regions in Indonesia make this policy will impact negatively on the regional education condition and the teachers itself.

This success shows IPB University students are expert in debate, respond to various politic issues and care to the current regulation. This also shows IPB University students have analytical ability on breaking the political issues. (NR)