The First Public Lecture on Modeling was Held by FMIPA IPB University, Enthusiastic Participants

The First Public Lecture on Modeling was Held by FMIPA IPB University, Enthusiastic Participants


The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) IPB University held a public lecture on modeling for the first time. The public lecture, which was held 21/11, was attended by approximately 100 participants coming from undergraduate, graduate and alumni students.

The Dean of FMIPA IPB University, Dr. Ir Sri Nurdiati, MSc said that similar public lecture activities have often been carried out, but with different names.

“With the commencement of this public lecture, hopefully the activities can be carried out routinely with different topics for each meeting,” he explained.

Regarding the model, Bagus Sartono, Lecturer in Statistics at IPB University, there are many models that can be used in statistics and computing. These models can be used to predict future events and achievements.

He gave an example such as to predict the level of risk scoring that will occur in the debtor, predict the number of consumers, the success of student studies, predict the risk of disease and weather.

“There are lots of super model approaches, but the coveted model is simple, high accuracy, not complicated and the error rate is small,” he explained.

There are three general strategies that can be used to create a super model, namely variable selection, feature engineering and ensemble learning.

“If we can meet at least three of these general strategies, we can have good predictive power,” he added.

The IPB University lecturer added that the designed model did not overfit the data. If you overfit the data, it is feared that the results will not be as expected and the results may be even worse.

“For that we need to learn the so-called modeling algorithm, so that this prediction model can be utilized as it should. Well congratulations try to be applied,” concluded Bagus. (NR)


Keyword: model, lecturer of IPB University, FMIPA IPB University, prediction