Studying Journalism from Zero with Campus Newspaper at IPB University

Studying Journalism from Zero with Campus Newspaper at IPB University


The only student activity unit (UKM) at IPB University engaged in journalism is the Campus Newspaper (Korpus). Corpus IPB University is a place for students who have interests and talents as a journalist.

Not only learning to become a reporter or professional journalist, Korpus IPB University is also a place for students who have hobbies of photography, drawing, liking data, designing and negotiating. That is because Korpus IPB University provides a place for students to train themselves to become photographers, marketing and communication, layout designers and professional illustrators.

Errizqi Dwi Cahyo as the General Chairperson of IPB University Campus Newspaper said that the fun of joining IPB University Corpus UKM included students getting all knowledge about journalism from zero to being a journalist, no matter where the student majored.

"The IPB University corpus is open to anyone who wants to study. If you can't, don't be insecure about joining IPB University Corps because later everything will be taught from the beginning at the corpus, "he added.

The skills gained from the IPB University Corps help students to earn extra income. Many Korpus members are freelance writers in a media or as content writers. Many also study while working as a freelance illustrator or photographer.

"Many new experiences can be obtained by joining IPB University Corps. The corpus of IPB University is often invited to several events related to journalism. Meeting with many people makes the members of Korpus IPB University have a network of connections from various social, occupational, educational, and other backgrounds," he added.

Corpus IPB University has many interesting activities. In addition to presenting reading material based on interesting events on and off campus, Korpus IPB University also produces newspapers, tabloids, bulletins, art anthology, and online news that can be accessed at

"New student newspaper (Kormab) is the most interesting in my opinion. Because the newspaper was distributed to thousands of new students (freshmen). So, we also have to create interesting and useful content for new students to be more familiar with the conditions and conditions of the campus that will be the place for them to carry out knowledge. Here also we learn how to make a newspaper. Starting from zero, everything we do,"said Errizqi.

Corpus IPB University strives to continue to exist in disseminating the latest information. Create up to date content, whether in the form of news, articles, infographics, comics, illustrations, photos, videos, etc. to be uploaded on the website and on its social media.

Not everyone is allowed to peek into the secrets of the press media kitchen or press agency. Another advantage after becoming a member of Korpus IPB University is getting the opportunity to do a comparative study in the press media or other student press agencies. The members of Korpus IPB University can exchange ideas and also learn many things in terms of journalism, organization, and others. (NR)


Keywords: Members, journalism, campus, skills, Korpus IPB University, students, experience, professional