IPB University’s Research Performance Ranks 2nd Best in Indonesia

IPB University’s Research Performance Ranks 2nd Best in Indonesia


IPB University earned the position of 2nd Best during the Ranking of Research Performance in Indonesian Universities. This award was given by the Minister of Research and Technology/National Research and Innovation Agency (Ristek/BRIN), Prof Bambang Permadi Soemantri Brodjonegoro at BPPT Building II, Jakarta, on the 19th of November 2019. The Vice-Head of Research, Research Institution, and Community Service (LPPM) IPB University, Prof Agik Suprayogi, relayed the news that IPB University has succeeded in being second best in research performance among higher education institutions for the period of 2016-2018. In this ranking, IPB University comes under the autonomous universities category. Suprayogi explains that in the evaluation of research performance exists a categorization of higher education institutions into the category of Autonomous, Main, “Madya” or Average, and Under Guidance. This evaluation is held every year and the ranking itself is determined every three years. The next institution ranking will be announced in 2022, as a result of performance evaluation of the years 2019, 2020, and 2021.

Suprayogi states that IPB University is grateful to get the second highest ranking in the autonomous category. He explained that it is the result of teamwork in all working units, which composed of departments, faculties, research centers, and directorates. In this regard, IPB University’s LPPM oversees coordinating work units to manage data and information. He further mentions that substantially, this achievement was possible because of the excellent academic atmosphere in IPB University. This academic atmosphere, especially in research, has been laid out ever since 2014 through IPB University’s LPPM program, Institution Mandate Research (PMI). This program is institutionalized and directs IPB University researchers to integrate and collaborate with others from different fields of sciences, while being thematically in locus and focused. Suprayogi explained that without a strong academic atmosphere, the research sector would have had a hard time to achieve the prestigious award. The research performance evaluation was comprised of parameters which included the number of active researchers in the higher education institution and foreign lecturers involved in research, data of journal publication, intellectual property rights, and more.


Suprayogi continued to convey that in respond to this achievement, IPB University would not be focusing on ranking itself, but on how to maintain and further improve those achievements. He recognizes the need of a strategy for the future on how to maintain the excellent and conducive academic atmosphere in research. He believes that IPB University’s strength in research lies in human resources. He further states that the university’s researchers are highly motivated and enthusiastic which surely becomes the substantial to support the working program of IPB University’s rector regarding the development of the research program Agromaritime 4.0 and to ensure high quality of research.