IPB University Students Win National Programming Contest Winners

IPB University Students Win National Programming Contest Winners


IPB University students again won achievements at the national level. This time, three students each from the Department of Computer Science won the 3rd place in the Hology 2.0 Competition Programming Sector held by Universitas Brawijaya some time ago. The team, named twoACplz, consisted of Usman Abdul Halim, Fajar Yuda Apriliano, and Muhammad Dani Alfaris.

Programming competition is a competition to find an algorithm to solve a given problem. From these algorithms will be made a computer program that serves as a problem solver.

“During the competition we were asked to analyze the process needed to convert inputs into desired outputs,” said Dani, Team Leader.

Dani explained in the programming competition, participants were given 6-10 questions with a duration of 4 hours. The program produced from the competition must be in accordance with the number of questions given.

“In the competition yesterday there were questions that we thought could be done by implementing the Bresenham algorithm, graph coloring and string manipulation,” Dani added.

Evaluation of the competition is based on the questions that were successfully done and the time it worked. If the submitted program is declared wrong, it means the problem is considered incomplete.

“During the competition, we only managed to do three questions,” he explained.

On this occasion, the twoACplz team had to fight eight universities in Indonesia and won 3rd place. The philosophy of the team’s name was taken from the AC programming language which means accepted, the code that was successfully submitted, and the target number of questions that could be worked on. (NR)


Keyword: IPB students, outstanding students, programming, algorithms