IPB University Students Initiate Children’s Nutrition Monitoring Technology to Lower Stunting Numbers

IPB University Students Initiate Children’s Nutrition Monitoring Technology to Lower Stunting Numbers


Stunting is a chronic nutritional problem caused by insufficient nutrition for a long time due to unsuitable nutrition. Stunting occurs since the fetus is still in the womb and only appears when the child is two years old.

Malnutrition at an early age increases the risk of infant and child mortality because sufferers get sick easily and have a maximum body posture as an adult.

This prompted three IPB University students namely Pahmi Idris from the Plant Protection Department, Devin Purnawansyah and Fitriyanti both from the Forest Products Technology Department to initiate the Gizind application as a solution to reduce stunting rates in Indonesia. Through the Gizind application, regular monitoring of children’s health can be carried out.

“We designed this application with three objectives, namely maintaining and monitoring the health of pregnant women, monitoring and controlling the nutrition of children for the First 1000 Days of Life, and maintaining the nutritional balance of children until the age of five,” explained Fitri, Team Leader.

Through this idea, the IPB University student won third place in the Public Health National Competition (PHNC) Faculty of Public Health, Airlangga University, Surabaya some time ago.

The parties that will be involved to implement Gizind later are the Indonesian Ministry of Health, the health department, health workers, and mothers as the target of the Gizind program. In this application, health workers are responsible for inputting the child database, while mothers / expectant mothers can obtain health services during pregnancy.

“Hopefully the idea that we made is not just an idea. But it can be implemented and realized for the sake of the realization of prosperity for all Indonesian people, especially in overcoming the problem of stunting which can endanger the growth and development of future generations of the nation, “concluded Pahmi. (NR)


Keywords: Nutrition, Stunting, Achievement, IPB University Students