IPB University Students Create “Ashpotter”, Shrimp Pond Waste Cleaning Tool and Gets First National Champion

IPB University Students Create “Ashpotter”, Shrimp Pond Waste Cleaning Tool and Gets First National Champion


Indonesia fisheries sector now push to produce sustainable fish production, whether capture fisheries sector and cultivation. Cultivation sector now start to be loved by people because it promisingly is business. The one is shrimp pond.

But the problem in shrimp cultivation is shrimp waste pilled up down inside the pond. Looking at this condition, IPB University students from Marine Science and Technology (ITK), Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science (FPIK) Sefto and Mayrani Tika Mulyana, created automatic shrimp pond bottom waste cleaning tool named “Ashpotter”.

Ashpotter won first place on National Scientific Writing Competition (LKTIN) held by Marine Engineering Student Club (Himatekla), Institute of Technology Surabaya (ITS), early October.

“The background of this innovation is the over feeding of intensive cultivation pond make solid waste pilled up on bottom of pond. This must do the cleaning routine by conventional siphon. It is the human jump into the pond, but human has limited time and energy, so it needs technology innovation in this field,” said Sefto.

Accoding to Sefto, Indonesia runs to Indonesia 4.0 that every thing is digital and automatic. So he hope this innovation can make effective and efficient of energy and time on pond purifying. Ashpotter technology system puts on automatic siphon. Siphon works by opening and closing the pipe on the center of pond and waste will be thrown by underground channel to waste pond by various physic science concept.

“The key of this ashpotter technology is on the automatic siphon. Siphon works by opening and closing the pipe on the center of pond and waste will be thrown by underground channel to waste pond by various physic science concept. How is this working? We use physic science concepts, one of them is connected vessel,” he said.

This innovation is still rare, moreover the shrimp is the biggest fisheries commodity in Indonesia on production and export. The development of this innovation in the future is patent mass production. We hope, the farmer shift the conventional siphon by using this purifying unit.

“For its development, it will be implementing to patent production. After farmers use this innovation, we hope the shrimp production will be significantly increasing. Beside that, the application can push higher income for Indonesia people and add foreign exchange by bigger shrimp export,” added Sefto (NR)


Keywords: shrimp pond, ashpotter, Department of Marine Science and Technology, FPIK IPB University, IPB Students