Ina Literature Traces, IPB University Students from Gowa, South Sulawesi

Ina Literature Traces, IPB University Students from Gowa, South Sulawesi


Nur Mustaina or better known as Ina is an inspirational writer from Gowa Regency, South Sulawesi. The IPB University student was born on April 1, 2001 to the couple Mr. Mursalim and Mrs. Saintang. The first child of three siblings has completed high school (SMA) in SMA Negeri 2 Gowa in 2018.

Her love for literature made her actively write since she was in high school until now. The hobby began when she joined the Gowa Regency Creative and Inspirational Writers Community (GOWA KOMPERATIVE). She repeatedly participated in poetry writing competitions in the national arena and received awards in the form of anthology books. She also actively participated in various essay and national writing competitions, to hone her writing skills.

Her expertise carries the words in the form of poetry to deliver it to the level of novice writers who have real work. Her work in the form of anthology of poetry has now been published and many entertain readers.

Her first poetry anthology book titled “Between the Pause” was published in May 2018. This book was written together with four friends from her community. Then, the second book was published in July 2018 with the title “Triologi Nusantara” which received an award as a favorite poem from Lingkar Pena Indonesia.

As a budding writer, she tries to give encouragement to the young generation of Indonesia that with writing can carve and print history in civilization.

Hobby of writing, apparently did not prevent her from learning agriculture. Currently Ina is listed as a student of the Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, IPB University.

“My father works at home as a farmer, while my mother is only a housewife,” said the little girl.

Even though she is in an overseas land far from his home, her aspirations to become an inspirational writer do not waver. The proof, she will publish his third poetry anthology book in February 2020 with the title “Little Talking Fingers.”

“Lecture is an obligation to study, but writing is a necessity because every word we write is art,” she concluded. (NR)