Dosen Mengabdi IPB University Constructs Situ Gede Village Becomes City Agricultural Tourism Location

Dosen Mengabdi IPB University Constructs Situ Gede Village Becomes City Agricultural Tourism Location


IPB University again fielded a number of lecturers to serve various regions in Indonesia. This service is intended for the development and application of science and technology for the welfare of the nation.

This time, the Lecturer Serving Program of IPB University is located in Situ Gede Village, one of the villages around the Dramaga Campus of IPB University. The lecturers tried to develop an innovation idea to develop the area into an agro-tourism city.

The Lecturer Serving Team IPB University immediately made a map planning of the area that will be used as a tourist area which is placed in the Sahaja Family Empowerment Post (Posdaya) of Kampung Cilubang Lebak RT.03 RW.01 Situ Gede Village, Bogor City, Tuesday (11/19)

The lecturer team consisted of lecturers at the Department of Landscape Architecture, Faculty of Agriculture, IPB University, namely Dr. Bambang Sulistyantara, Dr. Indung Sitti Fatimah, Pingkan Nuryati, ST, MEng, Department of Aquatic Resources Management at the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences (FPIK) IPB University, Dudi Muhammad Wildan, SPi, MSi, Department of Food Science and Technology Faculty of Agricultural Technology IPB University, Dr. Endang Prangdimurti and Department of Resource and Environmental Economics Faculty of Economics and Management IPB University, Dr. Fifi Diana Thamrin.

According to the Lecturer Serving Team of IPB University, Situ Gede is one of the educational tourism destinations that presents things related to taro farming combined with fisheries education, with contemporary packaging.

One of the lecturers, Dr. Bambang Sulistyantara said that Situ Gede Village has natural and environmental riches with abundant potential of agricultural land, so that it can increase work productivity and the community’s economy better. For this reason, the Serving Lecturer team tried to initiate a tourism program in Situ Gede Village and create new business opportunities and additional businesses.

“There are several things that must be considered, namely inventorying or recording data, analyzing data, assessing the potential and constraints of the region, making tourism programs, determining tourist routes (interpretation paths) and finally promoting Situ Gede tourism. The main objective is to provide education to the public about integrated land agriculture that anyone can do while traveling, “he said.

According to him, Situ Gede tourism must also have interesting attractions by displaying interesting art or culture. By showing something unique and spectacular, as well as the natural beauty, buildings, works of art and processed products or interesting agricultural products, are expected to attract tourists to the place.

He added, for areas that have fertile land, beautiful panorama, the development of tourist areas will have a double benefit for the community. Another benefit that can be taken from tourism developing, which can sell services from objects and natural beauty appeal, as well as reap the results of the sale of taro plant cultivation.

It is expected that the community will obtain income from the service sector and from the sale of agricultural commodities.

He hopes that the development of agricultural tourism in Situ Gede will create new jobs for the community. This is because this effort can absorb labor from the community, so the benefits that can be obtained from the development of tourism is to preserve natural resources, preserve local technology, and increase the income of farmers or the community around the tourist sites.

Responding to this, the Chairperson of Posdaya Sahaja, Abidin said that the presence of IPB University’s Dedicated Lecturer in his region could bring ideas and hopes that were so interesting to make Situ Gede an urban agricultural tourism village. This is an opportunity and hope that awaited by the community, because indeed from the beginning the potential that exists in the Situ Gede region is focused on tuber plants so that in the future people can come to tour and hope that the Situ Gede family will become the center of taro in Bogor City .

“With the education of taro tourism which will be developed in Situ Gede towards the urban agricultural tourism village, farmers will harvest people who visit for a tour, but the community must be active and not remain silent to welcome this program. The Situ Gede community must not be afraid to progress and develop because later it will be assisted, mentored and assisted by IPB University lecturers who are competent in their current fields, “he said.

He also explained, this concept could also attract young people in Kelurahan Situ Gede to help develop taro garden tourism. It is hoped that all parties can support the development of tourism in the Situ Gede Village, so that it can improve the welfare of people’s lives for the better. (NR)


Keyword: IPB Univesity serves, IPB University lecturer, agricultural tourism, taro village, Situ Gede