CARE LPPM IPB University Partners with Bappeda Malang Regency to Develop Coffee SAR Cooperatives

CARE LPPM IPB University Partners with Bappeda Malang Regency to Develop Coffee SAR Cooperatives


The Center for Conflict Resolution Study (CARE) of the Institute of Research and Community Service (LPPM) IPB University together with the Malang Regency Regional Development Planning Board (Bappeda) is committed to developing coffee commodities in the region. The commodity management will later be handed over to Sridoretno Makmur Bersama Cooperative (SMB) and BUMDES in the villages of Srimulyo, Sukodono, and Baturetno.

“The potential for partnership between SMB Cooperatives and BUMDES is very wide open. Building good cooperation can be mutually beneficial for both parties. This is due to the need to strengthen and optimize the potential of each party in an effort to improve the performance of the institution, “said Prof. Manuntun Parulian Hutagaol, CARE LPPM IPB University researcher.

Furthermore, the FEM IPB University Lecturer revealed that the cooperative has experienced HR and already has capital from member savings. Thus BUMDES does not need to spend large capital to start a business and there are already members of the cooperative as the main target market. BUMDES can also be actively involved in supporting the welfare of coffee farmers and promoting coffee as a leading commodity in Dampit District.

Through a focus group discussion (FGD) activity that was held together with Bappeda and local community leaders in the Kertanegara Meeting Room of Malang Regency some time ago, there were two collaborations offered by the SMB SAR Cooperative, namely the development of a primary specialty coffee marketing business and a secondary business in the procurement of fertilizers and materials rice for cooperative members.

In order to increase community interest in developing coffee agribusiness, a joint lecture was also held which was attended by local community leaders, farmers, and village heads.

In this lecture the public was introduced to the Coffee Agribusiness Center Cooperative (SAR) in Dampit District. It is hoped that through this lecture the public can participate in supporting and supervising the SAR Cooperative. (NR)


Keyword: CARE IPB University, IPB University lecturer, coffee school, coffee cooperative