Dozens of IPB University Students Join State Defense Training at Mount Bunder

Dozens of IPB University Students Join State Defense Training at Mount Bunder


Dozens of IPB University Students Join State Defense Training at Mount Bunder

The Leadership Dorm and Cadres of Agriculture Fighters (AKKPP) IPB University held a National Defense and Nationality Training at Dodiklatpur Rindam Jaya Mount Bunder, Bogor (12-13 / 10). The activity, attended by 43 students, aimed to equip students as prospective leaders to have the provision of nationalism and noble character for the future, especially for the post-campus world.


The values that were be obtained by students could be used to help the community because the true role of students is also as an agent of social control.

“You are not only prospective leaders here, but you are an agent of social control. It means you must take a role and help the community. The character values that you get, hopefully can really become a provision and can be applied in the community,” said the Head of the Sub-Directorate of  Character Development, the Directorate of Student Affairs and Career Development of IPB University, Beginer Subhan, S.Pi., M.Sc. in his remarks.


According to students who have joined this training, this activity can shape their mentality in dealing with politics issue and other issues which are on discourse in Indonesia. One of the views came from Ari Normansyah.

“”This national defense activity and national outlook are very good for shaping the mentality of students. The training was provided on a military basis. This is in line with the current conditions in Indonesia, which are rife with political issues and radicalism,” Ari said.


This view was also shared with other participants. The given leadership training also taught solidarity and discipline. “Solidarity was truly emphasized. Each activity must be carried out together and the participants had to care for one another. In addition, here we also have to value and manage time well. National defense training and education as well as national insights wrapped in military education, provide the provisions needed by future leaders to be able to lead wisely,” said Akbar Hermawan.


Keyword: Defending the Country, Prospective Leaders, IPB University Students