IPB University Drives Researches Regarding Biomass

Indonesia has an abundant biomass potential from palm oil industry. This biomass can be converted into various products with added value through technology and can be implemented in several industries. The processing of biomass can also be a substitute for conventional petroleum-based products, even creating new market for palm oil-based products.
During the International Conference of Biomass and Bioenergy (ICBB) 2019 held by the Surfactant Bioenergy Research Center (SBRC), Institute of Research and Community Service (LPPM) IPB University in Baranangsiang Campus, Bogor (19-20/8), the Rector of IPB University, Dr Arif Satria said that IPB University will keep on striving to produce researches about biomass and biofuel-based alternative energies.
“We hope that in Industrial Revolution 4.0 era there will be new biomaterials. They can be in the forms of plant-based biomaterials, especially for plastic. Plastic is a lingering problem until now because it cannot be recycled, thus causing a global problem. With new innovations regarding bioplastic, researchers are expected to partner with entrepreneurs to produce bioplastic,” he said.
Besides that, Indonesia has a very big biomass potential. Innovation, technology, environmental impacts, policy and economical studies related to biomass utilization as an energy source or industry have to be developed so that sustainability can be maintained. “Through discussions in ICBB 2019, we hope to have innovations and solutions regarding utilization and development of sustainable biomass and bioenergy and to accelerate the realization of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),” he said.
According to Head of SBRC, Prof Yandra Arkeman, several technologies and convertion processes have been developed to utilize biomass. In the future biomass will be an important option in various industries because it is renewable, environmentally friendly, and can reduce emissions.
ICBB 2019 was attended by participants from Japan, Malaysia, USA, and Indonesia which involve researchers, practitioners, and entrepreneurs. During the two-day conference, biomass issues related to the current technologies and their utilization for energy, industry, sustainability, environmental impact, economy, and challenges were discussed. (Ard)