Part of Rebranding, IPB University Holds an Alumni Connectedness Workshop

Part of Rebranding, IPB University Holds an Alumni Connectedness Workshop


Directorate of Partnership and Alumni Relations IPB University held a workshop of Alumni Connectedness with the theme of “The Roles of Contact Point in Increasing Alumni Connectedness” in FMIPA Auditorium, IPB University Campus, Dramaga, Bogor (14/6). This event is one of the efforts of IPB University in increasing the alumni participation in IPB University’s rebranding.

“A few months ago, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) change its name to IPB University. IPB University as a brand will have a broader association and offer higher value. The academics and alumni must have the same vision and knowledge about the reason for rebranding,” said the Vice Rector of Partnership and Information System, Prof. Dr. Ir. Dodik Ridho Nurrochmat, M.Sc.F.Trop

“It is very important to be conveyed well because there will be many questions from IPB alumni. There will be a question on why Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) becomes IPB University, considering that the term Agriculture itself is very important. The term Agriculture is very important and still important, and IPB will still focus on agriculture. But agriculture in its broad meaning does not only cater to the technique of planting, but it also needs support from others like mechanization, economy, social science, banking, information technology (IT), and computerization. Therefore, the term agriculture and its sciences have been catered in IPB University,” he said.

Meanwhile, Director of Cooperation and Alumni Relations, Dr. Heti Mulyati said that IPB University alumni were an important part of the rebranding. Alumni play a significant role together with institutions to increase the rebranding of IPB University.

Etnomark Branding Consultant & Ethnographer, Amalia E. Maulana, Ph.D. explained, in the rebranding, IPB University could not be alone but also need its alumni. One of the closest alumni is an alumna who is a lecturer at IPB University.

“We got important inputs for IPB University from those who are alumni and lecturers at the same time. These alumni are also service providers to IPB University. So, if you ask me who execute the rebranding of IPB University, the answer is the lecturers. They are the ones that meet stakeholders like society, students, industry, and parents daily. Thus, they as a contact point have a role to represent IPB University, but also as a contact point for the alumni so more alumni can come to IPB University,” she said.

According to her, by mutually united with each other, this power will progress and develop faster. This rebranding of IPB University must continue with high enthusiasm to continue the new ideals of IPB University, namely Inspiring Innovation with Integrity. Especially for IPB University leaders such as the Rector, Vice-Rectors, Deans and other leaders to continue to give enthusiasm to the academicians of IPB University.

Because of services in higher education are services that deal with multiple stakeholders, the Ethnography Marketing the approach chosen in research in the framework of rebranding is a long way to explore to understand consumers holistically from various angles and perspectives.

“Currently, IPB is not a mere abbreviation, it is a brand. Many corporate brands that apply this strategy not only to give simplicity to its pronunciation but also to solidify the exposure and to explain the promises of the brand. Because of that, IPB changed the brand to IPB University,” she concluded.