Bogor Agricultural University to IPB University: The Rebranding

Bogor Agricultural University to IPB University: The Rebranding


Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) officially switched its international naming to be “IPB University”. This historical decision has been initially stated since January 30th, 2019 follows adoption of Vision 2045 and IPB’s internationalization strategic plan. IPB Rector—Dr. Arif Satria emphasized the importance for all higher education institutions to assess whether their branding has been fruitful and embraced by the society. The term “IPB University” was chosen motivated by the fact that IPB provides study programs that are diverse and go beyond merely pure agriculture and marine. According to studies on key stakeholders, “IPB University” is believed to be solution in tackling general perspective on “agriculture” word in a university’s brand, which was often misunderstood as narrow definition (solely pure agriculture and marine) instead of broader meaning. “Bogor Agricultural University” was the literal translation from the original university’s name in Bahasa Indonesia—“Institut Pertanian Bogor” which is abbreviated as IPB. Hence, this new international name (IPB University) does not only offer simplicity compared to “Bogor Agricultural University”, but also keeps the original abbreviation (IPB) that has been applied since university’s first establishment 1963. Such name change has been conducted by numerous corporates where it is successful in providing more solid and value-added branding at their onwards’ exposures. The former slogan of IPB—“Searching and Serving the Best” has been portrayed as any institutions’ mandatory. Hence aiming for greater competency, IPB University required a new, more distinctive catchphrase. After conducting research and discussions between key stakeholders, “Inspiring Innovation with Integrity” with sub-slogan “in Agriculture, Ocean and Biosciences for a Sustainable World” is formulated. “Integrity” is what stakeholders tend to relate IPB with, regarding both graduates/students and lecturers/academia. The next word—“Innovation” has been proven by IPB’s numerous accomplishments as innovators, nationally and globally; yet still needs to be promoted even better. Whereas, “Inspiring” means enlightening for creating positive ideas. Ethnography marketing approach was chosen to have a more accurate grasp on consumers’ holistically in many perspectives. Prior to this rebranding, IPB has run professional primary and secondary data pursuits through internal workshops with key actors, in-depth interviews with future, potential students, parents/guardians, schools’ teachers and, most notably, the institution’s principal parties. IPB Board of Trustees has acknowledged this scientific study-based rebranding action. In meantime of the rebranding process and adaptation, the university’s name may also be referred as “IPB University (Bogor Agricultural University)”.