IPB Students Create a Strategy for the Utilization of Former Tin Mines

IPB Students Create a Strategy for the Utilization of Former Tin Mines


Bangka Belitung Islands Regional Government declared that the total power of tin mining in Bangka Island reached 374 thousand hectares or 35 percent of the total land area of the island of Bangka. Even based on the commission’s report visit VII of the House of Representatives in 2017 the area has increased to 65 percent. The total area is so great that it has the potential to be developed into agricultural land, to support food self-sufficiency. Conditions of post-mining land can be declared as poor in terms of physical and chemical terms. The cause of this is a critical area in which the management of mining activities is less good. This has turned into a problem that must quickly be solved due to the significant amount.

This motivated the six students of IPB University, Muhammad Samsul Arifin, Intan Maya Ade Pratita, Ira Hayu, Riski Ramazayandi, M. Hayyu Mahabbah, and Praditha Rhesthy Fhauzi to initiate strategies for former tin mining land use so that it can be used as a plantation multiple cropping systems using the solid waste ameliorant seaweed, seashells blood, mycorrhizae. Through his ideas, Samsul along with two colleagues namely Intan Maya, and Ira Hayu won First Prize in a scientific writing competition and Riski along with Hayyu and Praditha won third place in the poster competition at the National Soil Student Science Week (Pilmitanas) held at the University Haluoleo, Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi on 28 April-May 3rd, 2019.

Mohammad Samsul Arifin, as the team leader said that by participating in this competition they learned to express ideas in front of people who he admits is not an easy thing to do. “The process is very different from competitions anywhere else because we compete not to show who is the best but to further strengthen the unity of soil science and apply the knowledge that we obtained in class,” said Samsul.

In his writings, Samsul along with two of his colleagues raised a case study in the Pacific Islands region. Based on the Report on Environmental Impact Analysis (Andal) PT. Timah Tbk in 2009, about 90 percent more than the excavated soil will be tailing after the washing process. The main problem arising in the territory of the former mine which includes environmental changes including changes in the chemical, physical and biological changes. The whole idea was inspired by the results of discussions with the supervisor and seniors at their department. This paper was designed to be a poster that eventually won the competition also by Riski along with two other colleagues.

They explained that there are several challenges facing the Samson and colleagues including feeling pessimistic because the preparation is still not optimal. “We did not believe we could enter into the stage of presentation, but thank God we passed and were able to present the results in Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi,” he added. As with the poster team, Rizki said, “Our challenge is when on the sidelines of the report and the work so much that I took time to design a poster and essay summarizes my friend to be appointed in this poster. The competition was very interesting that other than in accordance with my science, it can also add to the experience. “(AVR).