Precipalm, Precision Farming for Palm Oil Plantation

Precipalm, Precision Farming for Palm Oil Plantation


Faculty of Agricultural Technology (Fateta) Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) introduced Precipalm, a system that provides recommendation of NPK fertilization on palm oil tree using leaves imaging. With mathematical modelling which uses colors’ band on satellite image, palm oil farmers can find out fertility level of the soil and the plants.

This Precipalm creation was thanks to collaborative research between IPB with Pupuk Kaltim and Pupuk Indonesia Holding Company. The launching of Precipalm was held at IPB International Convention Center (IICC), (18/12).

Dean of Fateta, Prof. Dr. Ir. Kudang Boro Seminar said that the research about Precipalm had been gone for two years with   model refinement and fertilizer nutrition assumption. By Precipalm, farmers can determine how much fertilizer needed or recommended for one certain area and this system has satisfied the principles of precision farming. Where we fertilize with nutrition variability that is exist in the soil.

Precipalm used geostatic-based mathematical modelling with high accuracy. This model can measure the status of macro nutrients N, P, K, and Mg based on the color of palm oil plants’ leaves which is captured by satellite image. This research’s result then can become the basis for a faster determination the recommended dosage of palm oil plant fertilization.

“So, it will be known which one has low nutritional content, then it need to be fertilized more. If it has fertilized enough, then it is not necessary. So that in one field, not all of it fertilized with the same certain dose. It is adjusted with nutrition variability. This decision is made from data which can be obtained from sentinel satellite image, so that it can perform online measurement through the satellite data that is updated regularly every five days. We can easily see the condition of an area in palm oil plantation so that we can make a decision, with how much fertilizer needed,” he explained.

This Precipalm has been tested in Jambi, Kalimantan, Bogor and PTPN V. There are already 400 samples of soil and leaves to build nutrition estimation. In terms of modeling accuracy, Prof. Kudang said that for the nutrition content reached 70 percent and for NPK its accuracy is 95 percent.

Meanwhile, Rector of IPB, Dr. Arif Satria hope that such this collaboration can spread to other Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN). IPB is keep improving toward achieving IPB 4.0. In all  transformations of the field of education, research, and community empowerment.

“In this transformation we need different step, it is no longer a measure of capital, it is no longer a measure of knowledge, so that it needs human resources which is more agile, hard working and creative. There are numerous innovations that IPB has invented and now we are mapping out its roadmap. Therefore, IPB, BUMN, GAPKI must collaborate to build the force of research and development. In the future we no longer think of competition but think of collaboration,” he stated.

On this occasion, Satriyo Nugroho, Director of Technology and Development of PT. Pupuk Kalimantan Timur said that recently precision agriculture is increasingly being applied in many developed countries to improve agricultural productivity with digital technology. For national fertilizer industry, this is an opportunity of novel innovation in disruption era. This solution is also a part of digital technology-based business innovation strategic steps.

The same thing was also conveyed by Director of Business Transformation of PT. Pupuk Indonesia, Nugroho Kristianto. Agricultural digitalization will increase company competitiveness with business transformation program.

“This digital agriculture is one of strategic initiatives that will be implemented. Disruption does not only happen in certain fields. So that, for the fertilizer industry whether like it or not, sooner or later, we must respond it well. This is for keeping the condition of the fertilizer industry business in the future aligns with its establishment’s initial intention,” he said.

Meanwhile, Chief of GAPKI, Joko Supriyono hopes Precipalm can answer the challenge faced by palm oil industry. Now palm oil is used everywhere even the whole world cannot be separated from palm oil.

“Human’s life is cannot be separated from palm oil. Moreover, balance of trade of Indonesia, if there is no palm oil, will drop. With the high import condition, we still can balance it out with the existence of palm oil,” he conveyed.

This event was attented by President Director of PT. Pupuk Kaltim, Bakir Pasaman, Main Commissioner of PT. Pupuk Kaltim, Bambang Supriyambodo, Chief of MWA, Prof. Achmad Chozin, Vice Rector for Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship, Prof. Dr. Ir. Erika B Laconi, Dean of Vocational School, Dr. Arief Daryanto, Dean of Faculty of Economics and Management, Dr. Nunung Nuryartono, Vice Dean for Resources, Cooperation and Development, Faculty of Forestry , Dr. Naresworo Nugroho. (qa)