IPB Entrepreneur Research and Development Center (incuBie) Receives Awards from Kemenristekdikti
A country is a developed country when the technology-based start-ups reach a minimum of 5 percent of the population. Indonesia has only achieved 1,67 percent. Because of that, the university is pushed by the need to have a technology business incubator, industrial teaching, and teaching factory. This was conveyed by the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education (Menristekdikti), Prof Mohamad Nasir in The National Technology Business Incubator Forum (IBT) with the theme of Towards Industrial Innovation 4.0 in Jakarta (3-4/12). Prof. Mohamad Nasir emphasized the importance of innovation that is directing towards the development of technology-based start-up.
In the event held by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti) in collaboration with the Indonesian Business Incubator Association (AIBI), there were more than 100 Technology Business Incubator institutions (AIBI members) present. This forum had speakers from both local and international (Vietnam, Singapore, Switzerland, and Malaysia). There was also a keynote speech by Dr.Ing. Ilham A. Habibie, MBA.
On this occasion, the Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) Entrepreneur Research and Development Center (incuBie) received an award from the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education for its achievements in incubating Technology-Based Developing Companies (PPBT) for its assisted tenants. The award was given by Prof. M. Nasir to the head of incuBie, Dr. Ir. Rokhani Hasbullah, M.Sc.
In his speech, Dr. Rokhani said that since 2013, the number of IBT/PPBT proposals that were submitted through incuBie reached 90 proposals and 40 of those proposals were funded with the amount of Rp 250 million to Rp 400 million per proposal.
Meanwhile, the Head of Incubation Program, Deva Primadia Almada, SPi, M.Si added that this award was achieved with strict criteria. The criteria were the total of IBT and PPBT incentive proposals that were funded by Kemerinristekdikti since 2013 until now.
“The incuBie business tenants which are participants of IBT and PPBT incentive program keep on developing after joining this program by Kemenristekdikti. They also became references for other incubators. Hopefully, this award becomes a spirit for IPB to continue developing new companies as a contribution of IPB in building the nation’s economy, “he said.
In a separate opportunity, IPB Rector, Dr. Arif Satria conveyed his hope regarding this achievement by incuBie IPB. “I hope this award will further strengthen IPB as an innovation campus that is able to grow startups that are beneficial for the nation’s prosperity,” he said (CN)