PSP IPB Trains Baznas DaLA (Damage and Loss Assesment)

The next part of the disaster management program after the Lombok Earthquake is rehabilitation and reconstruction program. As an insitute which has participated from the beginning, The Center for Disaster Study, The Instutuion for Research and Community Devotion, Bogor Agricultural University (LPPM IPB) collaborated with BAZNAS to prepare a Damage and Loss Assesment Program.
The main course of this DaLA program is to understand the levels of loss which are experienced by the communities who have gone through a certain disaster. Before the assesment , a briefing of material was held through training about the techniques which would be implemented on field. The training which was done at the IPB Campus Baranangsiang was facilitated by the instructor: Prof. Dr. Euis Sunarti, Dr. Dedi Budiman Hakim and Dr. Perdinan.
During this oppurtunity, Prof Euis Sunarti explained the material on how to detect loss which is socially implicated (humas impact). The important part is on how to recognize those social impacts, how to collect and record the loss from every disaster. Meanwhile Dr. Dedi Budiman Hakim focused on the economic losses caused by these disasters.
Next, Dr. Perdinan explained a few things on the matter of the various field activites. “Due to the fact that our field will find many things that are intertwined by things such as informants who are connected to acuity information and data which has been collected. Due to the fact that most of the informants are disaster victims, therefore accurate information is needed. This training was attended by ten participants from Baznas and was continued by the assesment program on field,” he explained.
This program was a momentum which was to develop synergy amongst the institutions. In this program, the Head of Disaster Studies IPB, Dr Yonvitner and the representative of the Center for Baznas Strategic Studies who happens to also be a lecturer of the Department of Syariah Economic Studies, Dr. Irfan Sauqi Beik together designed the communication and partnership on how to deal with the high potential of risks by disaster in Indonesia. “Through this partnership, we hope that in the future tactical steps will be born on disaster management,” said Dr. Yonvitner. (AVR)