Tumbler with the Style of IPB, Being Able to Charge HP

Tumbler with the Style of IPB, Being Able to Charge HP


One of the problems that was currently a global problem was the garbage. The garbage was a complex problem that was currently faced by developing countries and one of which was Indonesia. Quoting from the World Bank data, at the moment the world’s garbage had reached 1.3 billion tons per year, and it was expected to increase annually. The garbage made from plastic was one of the largest types of the garbage contributor in the world.

The plastic was a polymer compound made of a material resulting from the process of the petroleum refining or the natural gas. The plastic was very difficult to decompose in nature, it took about 500 years to break down. One effort to reduce the plastic gargabe was by reducing the consumption of the plastic packaging beverage. The use of the tumbler could be used to replace the beverage container and to save expense to buy the packaging beverage when being outdoor.

On the other hand, based on the survey result of Google consumer barometer, namely 43% from 259.1 million of the community of Indonesia used the smartphone as a means of communication. This proved that the community of Indonesia liked to use the gadget in the daily activities. The gadget was the tool that contained various applications and features in it. More applications in the gadget, then more energy or power was used. So that, it took another alternative energy to recharge the gadget other than PLN, namely using the powerbank.

Five students of Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) incorporated in the Student Creativity Program (PKM), tried to provide the solution of the problem by creating “Tumbler modern (Kekinian) / Modern (Novelty) Tumbler”. Modern Tumbler was the result of the modification and the combination of the tumbler and the powerbank.

They were Rio Al Rasyid, Arga Putra Panatagama, Siti Ainun Nuraeni (Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences), and Siti Isrupiah (Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science).

“The problems of the increasing plastic bottle garbage and the living habits of Indonesian community who likes to bring the powerbank in the daily activities make me and my friends try to be creative. Namely by creating a new innovation which is called the Modern Tumbler, namely the tumbler that blends with the powerbank and certainly it is environmentally friendly”, said Rio.

The significant advantage of this product was not just the usual tumble combined with the powerbank, but this tumble had also some supporting tehnologies that could spoil the user. For example, the solar panel that could charge the powerbank in it was with only the sunlight.

“We hope that this Modern Tumbler is a real solution to reduce the plastic bottle garbage. And this innovation can change the lifestyle of Indonesian community who likes to buy the packaging beverage to be fond of bringing the tumbler which also has the powerbank to charge the gadget owned,” he said.(AT/Zul)