Promoting Biopori as Innovation, IPB Students Won Student Scientific Festival

Promoting Biopori as Innovation, IPB Students Won Student Scientific Festival


Undergraduate students who are at their final stage of university, generally are busy  pursuing their research projects. In order to finalize their degree program timely, they compete each other  to get appropriate title for their thesis. Such situation is also faced by Yuliana, a student of the Department of Soil Science and Land Resources, Faculty of Agriculture of Bogor Agricultural University (FAPERTA IPB). Not only busy completing her thesis writing, Yuliana put additional load of works by joining the writing contest.

Familiarly called Yuli by her friends, together with her junior Danang Alfath (Department of Geophysics and Meteorology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of Bogor Agricultural University (FMIPA IPB), they participated the Writing Competition of  the Festival Ilmiah Mahasiswa (FILM Student Science Festival) 2017. They both passed successfully on the competition Semar Essay Competition, and their title was elected among the  top 10 titles to be exhibited through the presentation. The title of their essay is "Farmconservation Area: Pemanfaatan Lubang Resapan Biopori dalam Pengelolaan Lingkungan pada Lahan Pertanian Berkelanjutan (Farmconservation Area: Utilization of Biopori Absorption Holes for Environmental Management on Sustainable Agricultural Land)".

"When we joined the competition, we actually brought simple idea. Other contestants for this contest were from various leading state universities in Indonesia such as UGM, UI, UNDIP,  ITB, UB, UNS, UNES, etc. But we were very confident in presentation our project and  answered all the jury questions calmly. We were very grateful that we won the competition.  Not only ready for competition by preparing the appropriate presentation, we also approached new friends in the gala dinner and established networks and exchange experiences with them" explained Yuli.

In addition successfully scaling the name of IPB, the final stage student who are active on in several SMEs on campus, Student Executive Board (BEM) of FAPERTA IPB,  and IGAF (Indonesian Green Action Forum), she even run private personal business since her beginning of her university.

They are confident that every activities when they are carried out earnestly can produce big results.

"I hope our junior students  of IPB or anyone who is learning at university level  should keep the spirit in the pursuit of their ideal programs and never to retreat, never to surrender. Especially the even I joined was the most sophisticated one, the cost of the competition was  very expensive, as we were strongly supported by IPB", said Yuli. (Wied)