Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Bogor Agricultural University Has Produced 6.130 Veterinarians

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Bogor Agricultural University (FKH IPB) again took the oath of 47 new veterinarians, at Auditorium J Hutasoit, Campus IPB, Dramaga, Bogor, on Wednesday, 26 July 2017. Thus, up to now the total number of veterinarian produced by FKH IPB is 6.130 (six thousand one hundred thrity).
Dean of FKH IPB, Prof. Dr. Srihadi Agung Priyono, said that veterinarian is one the most demanded graduates. "For the current graduates, they usually have less than three-month waiting period to get a job, some even had been offered some jobs before they being graduated. Of the 47 (forty seven) graduates, approximately 30 (thirty) veterinarians have worked, 20 (twenty) whom work in the poultry sector, and become civil servants, "he said.
Toward the national examination for veterinary competence, Prof. Srihadi, hoped the veterinarian produced by IPB will pass easily and get good grades. He said that FKH IPB has prepared appropriate debriefing career for veterinarians and he ensure that their soft-skills have been honed.
Meanwhile, Vice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs of IPB, Prof. Dr. Yonny Koesmaryono, stated that freshly veterinarians graduates must ready to face challenges, especially for veterinary public health. According to him, the population growth will also affect the increase in consumption, including the consumption of animal protein. In addition, environmental degradation caused by land conversion, household and industrial wastes, and natural disasters are also factors of vulnerability to diseases.
Prof. Yonny explained that the world is currently experiencing an increase in the threat of new infectious diseases or known as Emerging Infectious Diseases (EID), 70 percent of which are zoonotic or transmitted from animals to humans. Epidemics of EID will have multi-faceted impacts, as well as will cause many casualties due to the unpreparedness of the system to synergize. To that end, the World Health Organization or WHO introduced the concept of One Health, which will then be jointly adopted in Indonesia through the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture of Indonesia. The One Health concept is basically a worldwide strategy for expanding interdisciplinary collaboration and communication in all aspects of health services for people, animals and the environment. This is a great opportunity for new veterinarians and the Indonesian veterinary community in general.
Further, Prof. Yonny urges veterinarians to be able to demonstrate their role in the provision of safe, healthy, whole and halal (ASUH) of animal products, as well as to anticipate various animal diseases that reduce the production and reproduction of livestock, and diseases that can be transmitted from animals to humans (zoonosis). Veterinarians should also be able to provide veterinary clinical health services, disease prevention and provision of medical drugs. The role of veterinarians will also be important to ensure various public health protection efforts, especially supervision of animal products in the markets. (Wied)