A Group of Students of IPB Established Agrisantripreneur

A Group of Students of IPB Established Agrisantripreneur


It’s clear the world needs more innovation and more entrepreneurs. And the skills of entrepreneurship are also good life skills. Not every kid will be an entrepreneur, but all kids have something that makes them unique. If you’re seeking a way to nurture your children’s passions and help them harness their talent, drive, and grit into a fulfilling life purpose. “Can a parent raise a child to be an entrepreneur, and why would they even want to?" Can entrepreneurship ability be nurtured since childhood through experience and training provided by a particular institution or self-taught. To be truly successful as an entrepreneur, finding one’s passion is only half the battle; a certain combination of adventurousness, inquisitiveness and diligence is also necessary for business success. Many of these attributes are most effective when fostered at a young age. As a result, the principles you teach your children can have a dramatic impact on their likelihood of taking productive risks as working adults, or of even starting their own successful business venture. Since there are no structured paths to becoming an entrepreneur, it’s hard to set your child on the right path. I believe, however, that there are qualities and characteristics that you can instill in your child over the course of his or her youth that will help prepare him or her for the risky, emotionally draining, economically irrational and statistically doomed decision to become an entrepreneur.

To respond those hot issues, a group of students of the Faculty of Agriculture and the Faculty of Human Ecology of Bogor Agricultural University planned to establish the  training program for santri (student at traditional Muslim school)  An-Nahl Pesantren (are Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia) which is  located on Jl. Raya Gunung Salak Endah, Bogor, West Java. The Pesantren has approximately 90 santri men consisting of elementary, junior and senior high school students.


Equipped by  farming ability and entrepreneurship, the group was successfully defended their proposal for funding support under the 2017 Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa bidang Kemasyarakatan (PKM-M Student Creativity Program for Community Creativity Program). Funded by PKM-M) they planned to pass on their knowledge to An-Nahl santri. Their program was on “Agrisantripreneur: Pengembangan Jiwa Wirausaha Santri Berbasis Pertanian” = "Agrisantripreneur: Development of  Agricultural-Based Entrepreneurial Soul". The course materials consisted of various entrepreneurship subjects such as the introduction to cultivation of agricultural crops, up to training into good entrepreneurs. The groups consists of Putri Hanik Setya Maharani, Amrina Muftia Suci, Arlinda, Dedi Maulana, dan Ilham Nur Five.

The Agrisantripreneur training program was really accepted by  the An-Nahl santri and it has run for more than a month. Every month the PKM-M group headed by Putri Hanik Setya Maharani visit the venue of the course 2-3 times a week.

"We have provided basic provisions on how to cultivate land and how to sell the products. Even last week we together with the santri have successfully marketed the  cassava chips produced by the santri, "said Putri.

"Around 15-20 santri boys of SMP and SMA level of An-Nahl Pesantren who are members of Santri Minat Pertanian (Santani – Santri who are interested in Agriculture), and other groups from various regions attended our training course. They have been very happy to be given opportunity to learn how to plant, grow, and care their garden. We are happy to come back again to attend the course, because the pesantren is located in the beautiful and peaceful area, " said Suci one member of the group.

The group of students expected that in the future those santri from Pamijahan will be capable to manage their food sufficiency and even market their agricultural products to the surrounding community. (Wied)