IPB Students’ Idea to Establish “Gerakan Ilmuwan Muda Indonesia”

IPB Students’ Idea to Establish “Gerakan Ilmuwan Muda Indonesia”


Creative learning is now a challenge for teachers in Indonesia. Learning activities in schools that are identical to the word difficult and boring compared to outdoor free play and activities, as  they can have a positive impact on students. Before the school year begins, teachers work hard to make sure that their classrooms look perfect for when their students arrive. They hang up posters, arrange the desks or tables in a way that will inspire cooperative learning, and create bulletin boards that will motivate students to think. The rise of various modern games can encourage collaboration and build problem-solving, they should not dampen the interest of students to go to school. The question is, how can we make teaching more enjoyable? How to make class activities are a fun way for students to learn, is one of the questions that a group of IPB students want to answer through Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa bidang Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKMPKM Student Creativity Program for Community Service).        

Gerakan Ilmuwan Muda Indonesia (Gerilia = Movement of Indonesian Young Scientists) was initiated by Fikayatul Khoiriyah and her team, the objectives of the program are to increase of SMP Negeri 1 Dramaga students' interest in science and technology. The combination of learning and playing was jointly designed between by Gerilia PKM team with the school to increase  students' interest in science and technology. Effective March 2017,  every week Gerilia team came to SMP 1 Dramaga, to invite students to do various activities. The students who came to join that program were very excited as anytime they got new topic they were given opportunity to apply the theory or concept they learned to practice.

"Some of the practical works had been carried were the application of physical theory on  the making  of water rockets, and make a model of a volcano using a simple chemical reaction, and so on. In addition, for the social science Gerilia implemented the  practical  discussion on geography and also practical works how make map Indonesia to explain the Indonesia territories. Activities in the field of science and social each of three programs that run gradually every week, "said Fika.

In every activity she has been assisted by other five volunteer students,  Gerilia was able to attract attention of students of various levels, ranging from classes 7, 8, and 9. Students responded the program positively because they have never had such similar activity for their extracurricular programs. Such programs that Gerilia initiated can actually compensate the psychomotor learning and affective learning outcomes of students, to enrich their cognitive development they get in the classes. Satisfying high school students  curiosity and exploration are  channelized through the extracurricular programs activities undertaken by the Gerilia.

The school also expected that similar activities should be continued as the extracurricular programs of the school. At the end, the Gerilia's and students planned to organize some exhibiton to display and perform various works students have produced under the guidance of Gerilia team. In the future,  guided module to implement Gerilia program will be prepared if schools and other agencies need them.

The Gerilia team expected that the program will help students to improve their curiosity and develop personal and social capability. So, even if student pursue formal education fully, they will rely a lot of educating themselves. Self-education tends to be very good at high-level ideas.  (Wied)