Coklove “Coklat Lele Oversize”, the Snack Bars with High Dosages of Calcium
Due to lack of utilization of oversized catfish, a group of students of Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) though over and over to find out how to get an idea for a business on selling such oversized catfish. In addition, they have also to find out how to solve the wastes due to such catfish processing business. As they understand that fish processing will always produce by-product, such of bones, heads, fluids from viscera, and other discarded materials that give adversely affects the environment. Catfish waste can also be used for production of various value added products such as proteins, oil, amino acids, minerals, enzymes, bioactive peptides, collagen and gelatin. Especially of catfish, the bones and heads, has been identified as one of the fish species with the greatest potential to contribute to the production of high-quality fish meal. One hundred grams of bone waste and catfish head contains 9.350 milligrams of calcium.
Seeing the immense possibility. Ahmad Idris Abdurrohman together with his groups, namely Achmad Yasin, Nurma Yulviarna, Euis Liawati, and Muhamad, under the sponsorships of Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa bidang Kewirausahaan (PKM-K Student Creativity Program for Entrepreneurship) made the innovative products, the combination of oversized catfish products by-product mixed with chocolate as an effort to diversify high calcium fishery products.
On the other hand, Indonesia is the second largest cocoa producer in the world in 2014. However, the selling value is only used by 50 percent, due to lack of processing technology and product development. Chocolate is a very popular among the youth, and c daily dark chocolate consumption could be an effective hypertension and cardiovascular preventive strategy.
“Coklove” is a food product, it is the combination of chocolate with high calcium oversized catfish. In addition to optimize the utilization of catfish, the “Coklove” production is also to help promoting the calcium consumption by Indonesian society. "Catfish contains high calcium and chocolate is the second largest product in Indonesia," said student Department of Water Resource Management, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science of Bogor Agricultural University (FPIK IPB). Muhamad, one of the team members, revealed that the product is rich of healthy nutrients. "We are introducing this high calcium chocolate to promote the healthy chocolate, with the tagline: “healthy chocolate”, here is the innovation," he said.
Currently, the PKM-K team has produced “coklove” packed in different sizes, for 20 grams costs RP 5 thousand/pack, and 100 grams costs RP 22 thousand/pack. Ahmad and his teams have distributed their products for markets widely, as well as through various social media and also promoting through various bazaar activities.
The process to produce “coklove” begins with the selection of raw materials consisted of: dark chocolate, catfish fish meal, and catfish measuring more than 30 cm. "The fresh catfish are from Bogor, as Bogor produces plenty of oversized catfish, "said Muhamad. The catfish is steamed until the texture of the fish flesh becomes soft and then roasted, then melted chocolate mixed up with catfish fish meal. The mixture is then poured into the special mold for “coklove”, then put and keep them in the refrigerator at 140 Celsius. After some time, the “coklove” are ready to be packaged and for distribution. Ahmad, Chairman of the PKM-K team revealed that multi objectives of their project: "to improve the welfare of the catfish farmers, and to promote the calcium consumption of the community," he said. (Wied)