A Group of IPB Students Uitilized the Outer Skin of Onion to Produce Eggs Rich in Antioxidants
Human need for anti oxidants is now getting higher. Environmental factors and unhealthy lifestyle influence oxidative stress, therefore we need an immediate dose of some sort of antidote that neutralizes the toxin's. Antioxidants, free radicals and oxidative stress: these things have become trendy topics as far as health and longevity are concerned. We may be surrounded by harmful substances and experiencing the effects of a polluted environment. Learn how to avoid most common toxins on a daily basis.
Antioxidants can be obtained from natural sources or chemically synthesized. Most common fruits, vegetables and herbs in the diet contain antioxidants, one of which the outer skin of onion has a much higher antioxidant. So far the utilization of the outer skin of onion has not been optimal, yet the antioxidant content of the outer skin of onion is substantial. However, it is not the recommended solution for human as the onion skin itself is not edible.
Based on this, a group of students of Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) implemented the research program on the increasing antioxidants on chicken’ eggs. They are obtained from chicken fed or supplemented by a mixture of onion skin feed. Members of the group were: Agus Hairulah, Dei Gustifa Kasmara, Eva Siti Nurajizah, Iik Handayani, and Lusi Wahyuni.
Poultry products such as meat and eggs are a good source of protein, they are some of the common foods consumed in our community. Poultry products are easily available and cheaper than other large cattle. In addition, the rapid growth of intensive poultry production will provide reliable protein increasingly needed by the community.
Eggs commonly consumed by the community are eggs of chicken races. Various manipulations are performed to increase the selling price of eggs. Omega-3 enriched egg production is the examples of poultry manipulations. Omega-3 enriched egg production is the effect of α -linolenic ω -3 fatty acid sources on laying hen performance and yolk lipid content and fatty acid composition. Another manipulation for egg production by the provision of anti-oxidant-rich feed to produce eggs that have high antioxidant was planned by Agus Hairulah and his team. This study was conducted to produce supplements in laying hens with the use of red onion skin that contains high antioxidants to produce eggs rich in antioxidants. (Wied)