Lecturer of IPB Became the Keynote Speaker in DAAD Alumni Treffen in Vietnam

Lecturer of IPB Became the Keynote Speaker in DAAD Alumni Treffen in Vietnam


Head of Biodiversity and Marine Biosystematic Lab, Department of Marine Science and Technology, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences (FPIK) of Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Dr. Hawis Madduppa, became one of Keynote Plenary Speakers at the alumni gathering of "DAAD Alumni Treffen" on 26-28 May in Hanoi, Vietnam. On the event carrying the theme of "Environment and Health", he had the opportunity to share with more than 200 alumni in Southeast Asia (Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, Myanmar, Malaysia, Philippines, Laos, Singapore, and Indonesia) and German.

On the opportunity, Dr. Hawis presented about the invasive species in the coral reef ecosystem in Indonesia. The main keynote was delivered by Dr. Ajantha Perera (University of Fiji) and Dr. Luong Minh Phuong (Hanoi University). Many things were discussed across the interdisciplinary disciplines, such as how to translate the scientific data to be applied in the community.

The theme of the environment and the health became the main discussion during the three days regional meeting in Southeast Asia. The Indonesian Delegates who were also the alumni of DAAD were Dr. Masteria Y Putra (LIPI), Dr. Fina H Tams (WHO Indonesia), and Dr. Kustiariyah Tarman (IPB). The message from the Secretary General of DAAD, Dr Dorothea Rueland, was "Life long learning and Life long partnership", so the alumni could continue to collaborate indefinitely. This event was opened directly by the Rector of Hanoi University of Science and Technology who was also DAAD alumnus, and the German Ambassador in Vietnam.***