Firza’s Experience, an IPB Student taking s Short Course in Vietnam

Firza’s Experience, an IPB Student taking s Short Course in Vietnam


ASEAN in Today's World 2017 (AsTW) held in Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Vietnam, is a two-week short course offered to ASEAN and East Asian students. It is a collaborative program between Kyushu University and Vietnam National University supported by the ASEAN Secretariat.

The program is aimed at raising ASEAN students 'awareness of ASEAN Blueprint 2025 and improving students' creative mindset in solving environmental, social, cultural and educational issues in ASEAN. The program is attended by 33 students from 7 (seven) countries, namely Thailand, Myanmar, Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia, Japan, and Vietnam. This AsTW is held for 16 days, from 2 – 18 March 2017.

Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) sends a delegation to this program, Firza Riany, a student of Silviculture Department, Faculty of Forestry (Fahutan). Firza had the opportunity to attend the course of ASEAN Studies (ASC) and Asian Languages ??and Cultures (ALC) each weighing two credits.

Through this program, student representatives from various countries in ASEAN are expected to contribute in the form of innovation, suggestions, opinions, and creative ideas in utilizing the resources in the country. In addition, students are also expected to have knowledge of ASEAN Blueprint 2025 and ASEAN Economic Community so that students can contribute fully in the future. *** (Mtd)