PT BLST IPB Receives an Intellectual Award of WIPO IP Enterprise Trophy

PT BLST IPB Receives an Intellectual Award of WIPO IP Enterprise Trophy


PT Bogor Life Science and Technology (BLST) of Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) receives an Intellectual Award of WIPO IP Enterprise Trophy from Directorate General of Intellectual Property, Ministry of Justice and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) of RI. This award was given in commemorating the 17th World Intellectual Property Day which raises the theme "Innovation-Improving Lives". This event supports the Independent Indonesia Movement Program listed in the National Movement of Mental Revolution in which one focus is on increasing the use of research results and development of domestic technology and providing convenience for individuals or companies in the country to register and maintain Intellectual Property Rights.


PT BLST won the award after going through the final meeting of the Jury of Intellectual Property Award 2017 on 5 April. The award was received by Dr. Meika Syahbana Rusli as Director of BLST IPB, Wednesday (26/4), in the Ballroom of Hotel Kempinski, Jakarta.


PT BLST is an IPB's holding company that runs the mission of science-technology based business development and commercialization of IPB's resulted innovation.

On this occasion Kemenkumham RI also held a Discussion Forum of National Intellectual Property with the theme "Intellectual Property for Innovative Indonesia". This discussion talks about the national strategy of intellectual property to improve the national economy, the competitiveness of the Indonesian economy through innovation, research and science development and the role of innovators, inventors and researchers in order to make Indonesia a productive nation (Mtd)