Little Note from Feryan Fernanda, an Outstanding Student of IPB

Little Note from Feryan Fernanda, an Outstanding Student of IPB


Feryan Fernanda, is an outstanding student (Mapres) of the Faculty of Agriculture, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB). His experience in the selection of IPB's best students is written in a little note below.

To be honest I never dreamed to be where I am today. I was born and raised in the red zone village of conflict with the separatist in Aceh in 1979-2005. Not an easy thing. Dead bodies and civilian casualties were a daily sight in my childhood. Missing family members kidnapped were our daily news. The sound of gunfire is a lullaby in every night so that we did not have time to build, let alone to go to college. We wished for many years the cessation of civilians having to pay their life for the sins they did not commit. Economy slumped, there was hardly any education.

My village at that time might have no more than 10 types of jobs for villagers. All was still around farming: rice fields, home yards, and gardens. So since childhood I have been very familiar with the world of agriculture and has always been my way to serve. Until one day our village was visited by an agricultural extension worker of a Javanese origin. He introduced us to the cutting edge technology of agriculture that can be used by farmers. Since then we have known plastic mulch, hybrid seeds, and others. He is a graduate of IPB.

During that time, when my friends are very obsessed with becoming a soldier in the battlefield and fight for their territory, I just wanted to proudly tell them that I wanted to continue education in IPB. Early on, my mother has been against the flow of rural community's view: to build Aceh, is not with weapons, but with knowledge and human resources of high quality to make these people as equal and peaceful as those in Java. I will never forget her message, "With education, you can change our current condition. Whatever happens, you have to remain in school".

I continue to hold my mother's message. With all of the family's shortcomings I kept studying. At the end of my secondary school, another condition returned to challenge me. "Your mom does not have anything to take you to college, son. If you can, to the end of the world, mom will always support you". I struggled to realize my dream of becoming a graduate of agriculture. God sends to me, the Secretary of IPB, Dr. Ibnul Qayim, and give my 'courage' through his hands. And again, God will not betray the effort. With inspiration and courage, God finally took me to the earth of IPB campus for the first time on June 26, 2014. I was a graduate of SMA Negeri 1 Langsa, East Aceh.

I am very grateful to Allah (God) for the Indonesian government through the Directorate General of Higher Education understands the condition of the children from the remote regions like me and offers a special way for us who have not quite developed, Affirmation Program 3T (affected, outermost, left behind) as my way of making an effort.

Tonight (8/4), I prove myself in front of IPB's Rector and other leaders, leaders of student organizations, as well as IPB's outstanding student candidates with the GPA of 4.00, that DGHE is never in vain having introduced the program. Although I do not come out as the major champion, Alhamdulillah (Thanks God), I get an Honorable Mention delivered directly by a representative of the jury, Prof. M. Firdaus. Tonight is the biggest achievement I've ever won in my life by standing with other IPB's outstanding students. I have already proved that the affirmation program of Higher Education is the right program to seek the pearls of the nation. Director of General Competencies Education Program (PPKU) of IPB, Dr. Bonny P. W. Sukarno, once said that we are actually the so sparkling pearls of the nation, but only buried in the sands of the nation's journey. We need a polishing stone. I have already proved that IPB's hands could hone the sandy pearls, which are worth being displayed in IPB's golden storefront.

I believe there are hundreds, thousands, millions of other pearls of the nation hidden in the remote regions in the country. Sooner or later they will emerge and illuminate the archipelago with their pride and their passion to build the country. Allah (God) is the witness. It is the responsibility of ours all to work together to help realize their dream to build Indonesia from within the country.

Tonight though not as the major champion, I come home with honor holding a feeling of gratitude to Allah and my pride for my region.

My thanks to IPB's Rector, Vice-Rector, all IPB's Leaders, Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, Head of the Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, Head of BEM KM IPB, Head of DPM KM IPB, Secretary General of MPMKM IPB, Head of BEM of Faculty of Agriculture, Head of the Students Association of Agronomy and horticulture IPB, and Head of the IPB's Student Association of Aceh IPB and all staff. Special thanks to Dr. Eny Widajati who have supported me from the beginning, Dr. Ni Made Armini Wiendi as my supervisor in this selection, the Jury of the Selection at the departmental, faculty, and IPB levels, as well as fellows of Azalea (AGH'51) where I can struggle.

To all friends of Mawapres IPB 2017, thank you for all the memories together. To Mr. Ujang, Mas Ari, Mba Gesty, Mba Dwi, and Mas Insan who helped a lot behind the scenes, and of course the Directorate of Student Affairs of IPB. Thanks also to my friends, Jeffery and Bambang for being extraordinary living friends. Thanks also to my mother, my younger siblings, Putri, Oca, Gibran, and my father. Thank you. I apologize to you all if I couldn't become what you expect.

To my brothers, Ado and Wildan, to you I leave this pride of our Alma mater. As its hymn lyrics, this campus is the bearer of the sacred ideals. I am an example of how sincerely IPB has polished the pearls. Make IPB a major champion. IPB, Excellent! *** (Mtd)