“Kasih Ibu Child’s eHealth Record application” Designed by IPB Student

“Kasih Ibu Child’s eHealth Record application” Designed by IPB Student


Successful life of someone often differ from what he has planned. For example, Ratih Syabrina, who had successfully been elected to be second  rank for the  Outstanding Student of the Diploma Program of  Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB). Her successful accomplishments was proclaimed on 8 April 2017. Ratih is the student on Information Management of the Diploma Program of  Bogor Agricultural Institute batch 51.

To be successfully elected as the  Outstanding Student, Ratih designed a computer application that is accessible on the website under the name "Kasih Ibu (Mother’ Love)". The free “Kasih Ibu Child's eHealth Record application” is a simple way of keeping track of children's health, and of course it is not Ratih’ special subject she is undertaking currently.  However, her strong determination keeping her studying on health to enable her to realize her project. Applications made by Ratih features a is a Web-based, easy to use and secure way to access your child's information – at our convenience. The free “Kasih Ibu Child's eHealth Record application”  is a simple way of keeping track of our child’s health information, development and immunisations – all in the one place. An easy way for public to access portions of child's medical records online, quickly and securely, explained Ratih.

Previously, Ruth was selected to be the delegate to Japan and Thailand in 2016, to represent the Indonesian Vocational School or the international symposium, during which she presented "Sustainable Agriculture". The symposium was organized by the Tokyo Nodai University University. Later in the same year, Ratih was elected to represent Indonesian students to attend the other international symposium in Thailand. In This special event, "ASEAN Vocational Training in the Future", Ratih presented her presentation related to her special subject on information technology.  

Ratih stated the reason why she moved  to Bogor, the city far away from her parents’ hometown Sawahlunto, West Sumatra, because she really wants to make Excellent progress. In addition, Ruth also want to an exemplary student, who always willing to help others to make achievement to cross the world.

Hopefully her predicate as the  Outstanding Student will enable Ratih continue to promote the Diploma Program of  Bogor Agricultural Institute, both in nationally and internationally up to her graduation day. She expects that her presentation in those national and international events  will intensify her networks, at the end she will have opportunities  to pursue her study abroad. Finally she concluded that the achievement made won’t be in accordance with the special subject she/he undertakes, but motivations and spirits has proved to be the most important key for achieving optimal levels of personal performance and accomplishment. (Wied)