Initiated the Application of E-Commerce of the Agricultural Product, Irul Won the 3rd Place in the Student Achievement of IPB

Initiated the Application of E-Commerce of the Agricultural Product, Irul Won the 3rd Place in the Student Achievement of IPB


Dairul Fuhron, the student of the Department of Statistics, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science (FMIPA), Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), became the 3rd Champion of the Student Achievement (Mapres) 2017 in the level of IPB. Irul, thus his nickname. He admitted that he needed the extraordinary preparation to follow the the selection process of Mapres Berprestasi in the level of IPB. “Often, I have to stay up late at night to prepare the selection process, such as making the paper and preparing the presentation. The only struggle I have to do in both of the process is against time and tired,” he said.

In the period of February and March of this semester, in addition to his lectures and duties, he was also preoccupied with four activities at once, namely becoming the delegation to the English debate competition of Asian Law Student Association (ALSA) of UI 2017; becoming the Head of Division of the Liaison Officer (LO) of the committees of Java Overland Varsities English Debate (JOVED) 2017; becoming the board of Himpro of the Data Consultant Division; and becoming the private teacher for the students of the General Competecy Education Program (PPKU). 

When the selection at IPB, Irul brought the draft related the problems faced by the small farmers in marketing their agricultural products. He initiated a special e-commerce system of the agricultural products which used the system of the futures transaction and was accompanied by the information system to help the problems of the farmers.

“I choose the topic because I am interested in the case of the chili price increase that has been occurred some time ago. Where I see the fact that the chili price increase is not profitable to the small farmers, but it is only profitable to the collecting trader who becomes the mediator. Then by looking at the pattern of the digitalizaton which is happening today (including the birth of the online transportation), I want to apply the same thing to help the small farmers,” said Malang man who was born 20 years ago.

The achievement which was he achieved was started in the national and international levels. Since entered to IPB, he was active in the Student Activity Unit (UKM) of IPB Debating Community (IDC). From here, he had the opportunity to represent IPB in the competitions of the parliamentary debates and the simulation of the UN meeting of the Model United Nations (MUN), both domestic and abroad.

Irul was also active in the Student Creativity Program (PKM) of the community service along with his friends. PKM which he carried was on the integrated library program in SDN 03 Cihideung Udik. Irul and the team applied a new concept of the library which was able to change the condition of the library in SD from unfit to be interesting. “Alhamdulillah from this activity I and the team manage to get the silver medal for the presentation and the poster in Pimnas 29,” he said.


The activity which he also wrestled was to enter the contest of the paper relating to the agriculture. In the paper, Irul and the team raised the topic of “Krisis Animal Welfare pada Proses Pembuatan Kopi Luwak / Animal Welfare Crisis in the Kopi Luwak / Mongoose Coffee Making Process”. He and the team created a new idea of the kopi luwak / mongoose coffee production process without any element of torturing against the luwak / mongoose. For this idea, he and the team managed to get the 3rd prize in the competition held in Taiwan. (Awl)


Contact: Dairul Fuhron 0852.3055.9515