Eric Faustine, the Outstanding Student of the Diploma Program (DPD)of IPB Suggested Successful Tips for Students

Eric Faustine, the Outstanding Student of the Diploma Program (DPD)of IPB Suggested Successful Tips for Students


Eric Faustine was named as the Third Rank of the Outstanding Student (Mapres) of the Directorate of the Diploma Program (DPD) of Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) for  2017. Eric is the student of DPD in Environmental Engineering and Management. As he speaks and writes English fluently, Eric has the opportunity to be elected as the outstanding students of the Diploma Program of IPB. For Eric, "Work hard in silence and let success of make noise", is the principle that has been rooted in his soul.

It seems that one night effort to be successful in the  Mapres election is really impossible, but with God, nothing is impossible. This was the experience of Eric who only had one night to prepare a 15-page scientific paper.  In addition to the scientific paper, he had to prepare also slides for his presentation. Due to his hectic academic and in-campus organization activities, Eric only had chances to complete all the outstanding student election requirements within  the last two days. Fortunately, after presenting his presentation he was named as one of the outstanding students. Of course, it was really blessing in disguise. This  unexpected  pleasure happened because Eric believe in the power of his prayer, as well as the support of their parents prayers. 

The first winner of Olimpiade Mahasiwa Diploma IPB (OMDI Olympic Champion for the Diploma of IPB Students) on 2016 was the reason why he joined the Outstanding Students Election. Eric wanted to record the sweet memory for his  future and want to be an exemplary student in the future. To make his dreams come true, Eric made various efforts by  making his time for hangout with smart, successful, inspiring people such as his lecturers, or even his own friends.

He said, he get smarter by being challenged by those smart people, he was  motivated and encouraged to develop himself. The associating with such intelligent people enable him  to learn and share the valuable  experiences. He also learns how to improve his personal communication, and how to have a good presentation in front of the audiences. Finally, part of his efforts was his project design for his future program such community development program and its work programs.

To be the Outstanding Student, Eric suggested the following tips that will actually help to produce respectful and important future generations for the nation and the world. First, do not hesitate to join the competitions be it related to academic or not. Secondly, your hobbies, as everyone needs to enjoy some downtime every now and then, and making the most of our free time by taking up a hobby can even help make us more successful.

because often many people are successful precisely because it started from a hobby. Third, learn foreign languages, especially its  customary language. Mastering foreign languages, especially English will enable us to promote our country and ourselves.  Fourth, to be active in the organization. Joining an organization on campus allows us to meet other students who have similar interests and goals. Not only are we able to make friends within our immediate chapter, but in some cases, we’re also able to make friends from other chapters across the nation and potentially across the world. Finally, we will get our most valuable skills from the organization,  as leadership experience on a student organization will give us the important skills in our life.  (Wied)