Eight Students of Thailand Studied the Nutrition in IPB

Eight Students of Thailand Studied the Nutrition in IPB


Of eight students of Chulalongkorn University, Thailand visited to the Faculty of Human Ecology (Fema), Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Thursday (13/4). This visit was in order to implement the student exchange program in the Department of Community Nutrition. For five days, it was scheduled that the students of Chulalongkorn University would be familiar with the variety of the education programs in the Department of Community Nutrition through the discussion activities, the visit to the laboratory and Kantin Sehat Plasma, the culinary practice (cooking the Indonesian food), the nutritional education in SD Sinar Sari, the visit to Community Health Center, and the identification of the other Indonesian art and culture.

The visit of the students of Chulalongkorn University was directly welcomed by the Dean of Fema of IPB, Dr. Arif Satria, followed by the introductory session of the profile of Fema and the discussion about Fema. The students of Chulalongkorn were seen enthusiastically in identifying the profile of Fema.  In the discussion, the Dean of Fema hoped that the visit to Indonesia could be memorable and there would be the willingness to go back in the future.

The students of Chulalongkorn University also stated the appreciation during a visit in PLASMA Fema. Biogas as the application of the renewable energy developed by Fema was rated to be able to become the solution of the problem handling at the same time the energy crisis problem. Besides that, the development of the arboretum of the food security in PLASMA Fema was also rated good.***