Bambang Andriyanto Won the Design Competition of Tugu (Pillar) and Archway Monument “We Love Bogor”

Bambang Andriyanto Won the Design Competition of Tugu (Pillar) and Archway Monument “We Love Bogor”



Bambang Andriyanto, staff of the Legal, Promotion and Public Relation Bureau of Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) who daily serve as a photographer and graphic designer manages to be one of the winners in the Design Contest of Pillar and Archway Monument “We Love Bogor”. City Mayor of Bogor, Dr. Bima Arya handed the prize (some money and a certificate), Friday (7/4) in the City Development Exhibition of Bogor, at the Botanical Square Mall.

Bambang successfully become the first winner of Citerlintas monument design, one design contested in the event. His motivation to take part in this contest was to improve his designing ability. Besides, he wants to test to what extent he can produce something that would be the pride of the city of Bogor. "I want to provide the best work for the city of Bogor because I love Bogor," he said.

Head of the Economic Division of Bogor City, Tri Irijanto, said that initially only four monuments were contested. This time the location of the monument “We Love Bogor” is added to become five points, each of which has its own theme. The design of the gate or archway monument should characterize the peculiarities of Bogor city. Tri also said, the theme at every pillar has been determined the City Government.

Based on the information published the website, Bogor city Government will build a thematic monument in five points, including Tugu Baranangsiang called Gate of Love (Gerta) because it is the first door entering the city of Bogor. This gate is also a symbol of the victory of the city of Bogor as The Most Lovable City in the Word in the contest arena last year called “We Love Cities”. The second pillar is on the park in front of Lippo Ekalokasari with the theme “Love Creativity” (Civitas), a call for the citizens of Bogor to be always creative.

The third pillar is on the site of Tugu Narkoba (Drug Pillar) changed into the Pillar of Love Achievement (Citasi). The name change is to give a positive impression and spirit of achievement to Bogor City youngsters. The fourth pillar is on the park of Captain Muslihat named Love the Hero (Citapa). Here, the Government would like to remind citizens of the services by the hero, whose name is also uses as the name of the street. And the last point of the monument is on BTM Park called Love Orderly Traffic (Citerlintas) because the traffic along the BTM Parks is one way traffic and it is to encourage people to be always orderly in traffic. "The construction of the monuments will use CSR funds with a target of this year," he said. (Mtd)